Page 33 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 33

STS558 Alex Khor et al.
              No    Component        Functionalities               Remark
                                 Access to the
                                 submission histories and
                                 activities log for each
                                 form submitted by user.

             6.    Integration   For  inclusiveness  and  Example of internal systems can be
                   and Interfaces   heightening  of  business  integrated:
                                 processes,  the  platform   o  Master Data Management System
                                 can  integrate  with  the   (Reference Registry & Entity
                                 respective    internal   Database)
                                 systems   (subject   to   o  Workflow or Business Process
                                 availability).           Management System
                                                       o  Security systems
                                                       o  Email Server/Services
             7.    Back-end and   Embedded audit trails   Embedded with logging of the user
                   non-          features and functions   actions and system activities (for e.g.
                   functional    to support the data   login/logout, change user details,
                   functions     submission            perform submission, etc), integration
                                 functionalities and   status, exception/error.
                                 system management     Perform data archiving by transferring
                                 purposes.             data from active database schema to
                                                       archive database schema base on
                                                       Retention Period.
                                                       Maintain email template, generating
                                                       and sending of submission alert and
                                                       notification based on submission
                                                       obligation setting (e.g. allow
                                                       submission notification, late
                                                       submission, etc)
                                 Table 1 – Submission Platform Functions

            Some of these solutions are developed based on proprietary specifications
            and  needs,  while  there  are  also  solutions  integrating  from  end-to-end
            components available to provide a credible, cutting-edge and holistic solution.
            The platform can be customise and leverage on/ integrate with the existing
            internal databases and data management system (for e.g. sourcing of standard
            or  reference  data  managed  in  Reference  Registry),  security  and  business
            process application (for e.g. for Single-Sign-On and workflow).

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