Page 31 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 31

STS558 Alex Khor et al.
              No    Component        Functionalities               Remark
             1.    Submission    Personalised landing   Example of submission status
                   Dashboard     page of the Submission   information:
                                 Portal which provides   o   Count of submission window
                                 the summary of           overdue
                                 submission statuses,   o   Count of submission window
                                 pending/overdue          pending
                                 submission windows    o   Count of submission window
                                 and tasks assigned to    pending for approvals
                                 the user.             o   Count of successful submitted
                                 Serves as the main page   submission windows in current
                                 for accessinf to the     quarter
                                 published submission   o   Count of submissions windows
                                 forms, submission        that have been rejected
                                 announcements, alerts
                                 and messages.
             2.    Administration  A group of functions   Example of submission administration
                   and           associated with       functions:
                   Configuration   administering REs and   o  Defines Subject Area Profile
                                 Submission Obligations.   (grouping of entities) and
                                                          Submission Template
                                                       o  Links Subject Area Profile to
                                                          Submission Template
                                                       o  Define attributes of submission
                                                          obligation such as submission
                                                          cycle (frequency), submitter type
                                                          information, submitter profile (RE
                                                          profile or Subject Area Profile) and
                                                          other submission process control
                                                          attributes (for e.g. deadline,
                                                          reminder trigger, requiring
                                                          approval and/or digital signature,
                                                       o  Define Content Processor for each
                                                          type of submission data/form.
             3.    Security and   A group of functions   All external or RE users will be self-
                   Access        associated with       registered and managed by the
                   Management    administering internal   respective Security Administrator of
                                 and external user     the same RE.
                                 accounts and access   The  platform  can  be  customised  to
                                 privileges.           integrate with internal security systems
                                 Provides user         to enable Single-Sign-On (SSO).
                                 authentication and
                                 authorisation (user
                                 access control) services.

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