Page 32 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 32

STS558 Alex Khor et al.
                    No    Component       Functionalities                Remark
                   4.    Submission    A group of functions to   Submission Windows are a means to
                         Operation     facilitate RE users to   inform the RE of a report that is ready
                                       perform the data      or due to submit.
                                       submission based on   Support the following modes of
                                       the submission/       submission:
                                       resubmission windows   o  Web forms
                                       generated and assigned   o  File Upload
                                       to them.              o  Straight-Through or Business-to-
                                                                Business (B2B) Interface in
                                       Embedded workflow to     eXtensible Markup Language
                                       support submission       (XML) or eXtensible Business
                                       approval and digital     Reporting Language (XBRL) format
                                       signing.              o  Bulk Data Submission
                                       Once submission
                                       data/file are submitted,   Creation of submission window is
                                       the Rules Engine      automated based on the submission
                                       processes the file by   obligations using the scheduled
                                       sending them to       process which creates the submission
                                       respective Content    window automatically on the
                                       Processors The close-  scheduled date provided.
                                       loop integration with   The platform can be customised to
                                       Content Processor(s)   integrate with existing workflow
                                       enable the status of   system and email services to
                                       validation (by Content   streamline the business processes.
                                       Processor) and
                                       validation/ exception/
                                       error reports to be
                                       accessible via the
                                       Submission Portal.

                                       Upon submission, the
                                       validation process will
                                       be executed by the
                                       platform and the
                                       respective Content
                                       Processor. The status
                                       and results of the
                                       validation will be made
                                       available for further
                   5.    Submission    Provide the status of
                         Monitoring    submissions performed
                                       and statistics by
                                       submission windows
                                       based on user specified
                                       criteria (different version
                                       for internal and external

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