Page 29 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 29

STS558 Alex Khor et al.
            requirement  change  and  is  capable  to  fit  or  integrate  with  the  existing
            applications and infrastructure of the regulator and statistical bodies.
                The  Data  Submission  Platform  is  an  integral  part  of  the  end-to-end
            Integrated Information Management Platform which provides the inevitable
            functionalities  for  data  collection,  data  processing,  data  sourcing,  data
            processing and data staging before the data is transported/transformed and
            loaded into the back-end Data Lake/Data Warehouse for generation of useful
            information and reports.
                Being a single platform for all type of submission data, the system must
            be  inclusive  to  cater  for  all  data  submission  needs  of  the  regulators  and
            statistical  bodies.  With  all  its  operational  functions  standardised,  it  is
            independent from any specific data / content of various subject areas, so as to
            enable future scaling to other data / content subject areas. The intention is to
            move  away  from  silo’ed  submission  systems  by  standardising  and
            consolidating generic submission functions across all subject areas.
                The platform adopts a proven Submission Framework and Methodology,
            and it is build based on the cutting-edge technology and carefully-engineered
            algorithms which will overcome the following challenges:
                1.  Submission Operational Efficiency
                    With the Standardised and unified Submission Framework as the base
                layer,  the  submission  obligation  is  configurable  to  cater  for  the
                diversification of all type of data submission or reporting needs. Reduced
                reporting  overhead  for  system  owner  and  Reporting  Entity  (RE)  via
                enabling submission through a single reporting or submission platform
                and via a single point of entry.
                2.  Submission Processing Efficiency
                    The platform adopts Content-free concept to support multiple data
                submission or reporting channels and can easily integrate with the Master
                Data Management System (Taxonomy Management, Reference Registry,
                Entity  Database  and  Metadata  Repository  etc)  and  respective  content
                processors.  It  supports  two-way  integration  with  various  Content
                Processors to enable end-to-end submission status tracking and facilitates
                the complete loop of submission flow.
                3.  Streamlined Submission Process
                    The platform’s Functional Model is a thinking model used to manage
                and coordinate the solutions around people, process and technology. It
                focuses  in  collecting  data  of  various  formats  (by  subject  areas)  from
                respective REs or filers but can  integrate with various internal business
                support systems to facilitate master data sourcing, security authentication,
                workflow and the Content Processors for processing the submitted data.

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