Page 148 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 1
P. 148

CPS1216 Teppei O.
                      We can arbitrarily set the explaining variable Xt and the function (, , ).
                  For example, we set other stock price processes, a price process of stock index,
                  accumulated volume of stock trade, Yt  itself or some combination of those.
                      Let   be a càdlàg stochastic process and Σ(t,x,σ): [0,T]×O×clos(Λ) → R ⊗
                  R be some known continuous function, where O ⊂ R X be an open set and the
                  parameter space   ⊂ ℝ  be a bounded open set with   ∈ ℕ.
                      Let  Πn =   ({  , } {  , } ),  then  we  assume  that  ℱ , (Πn)  ∈ℕ    and
                  {∈ , } ,,  are mutually independent. Let

                        = ℱ ⋁  ({Πn} ) ⋁  ( ∩ {  ,  ≤ };  ∈ {∈ , },   ∈ {1,2},  ∈ ℤ ,  ∈ ℕ),

                  where ℋ ⋁ ℋ denotes  the  minimal  σ-field  which  contains  σ-fields ℋ  and
                  ℋ . Moreover, we assume that  1     ,   is  -measurable, E[∈ ,  ] = 0 and
                        ) ] = , where 1A is the indicator function for a set A and   is positive
                  E[(∈ , 2  ,∗                                             ,∗
                  constant for 1  ≤    ≤  .
                      We consider a maximum-likelihood-type estimator of σ based on a quasi-
                  likelihood  function.  Construction  is  based  on  that  of  Ogihara  [3].  Let
                  { }   and { }  be sequences of positive numbers satisfying  ≥ 1, ℓ ∈
                   ℕ,  → ∞, ℓ ⁄   −1 3−  →  ∞ and   1 2− ⁄ ℓ →  ∞ as    →  ∞ for some   > 0.
                      By  technical  issues,  we  construct  a  quasi-log-likelihood  function  by
                  dividing  whole  observation  interval  [0, ]  into  disjoint  local  intervals

                  { −1 ,  )} ℓ   .   Here  the  sequence { } ∈   is  the  order  of  sampling
                  frequency, that is,

                                    0 < - lim ( −1  , ) <  ∞

                  Almost surely for 1  ≤    ≤  .
                      We prepare several notations:  =  ℓ  −1 ,  = −1,  = #{ ∈ ℕ;   ,  <
                   },    =  −  −1  − 1,  ,  = [  ,  +  −1 ,  +1+   ) and () = {2  1 , 2  −
                  1 {| 1 , 2 |=1} }  , where   is  Kronecker’s  delta.  For  an  interval  = [, ), we
                             1 , 2 =1
                  denote || =  − .   denotes a unit matrix of size .
                      Let us consider an observable approximation   of  s −1  defined by

                                  = (#{;   , [ −1 ,  )} −1  ∑   )  .
                                                               j;  ϵ[s m-1 ,s m )

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