Page 153 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 1
P. 153

CPS1216 Teppei O.
            estimators of the parameter in the diffusion coefficients, and the maximum-
            likelihoodtype estimator ̂  attains the optimal rate. On the other hand, we will
                                               1 4
            see that ̂  cannot attain the rate   ⁄   in the misspecified setting due to an
            asymptotic bias term. We can attain optimal rate if we construct a maximum-
            likelihood-type  estimator ̂    by  using  a  bias-modified  quasi-log-likelihood
                For  a  vector    = ( ,··· ,  )  we  denote   = (    )   . We
                                                                      1     1 ,⋯, 1 =1
            assume  that   ⊂ ℝ satisfies  Sobolev’s  inequality;  that  is,  for  any   >  ,
            there  exists   >  0 such  that sup ∈Λ |()| ≤  ∑ =0,1 (∫ | ()| ) 1  for
            any   ∈  (). This is the case when Λ has a Lipshitz boundary. See Adams
            and Fournier [1] for more details.
                To obtain optimal rate convergence, we need strengthened versions of the
            assumptions [A1] and [A2].

               [B1] [A1] is satisfied, sup  ( [[ −  |ℱ ] ] | − |⁄  2 ) <  ∞, and  ∑ and
                          ∑  exist and are continous on [0, ] ×    ×  (). Moreover, there
                       exists a locally bounded function (, ) such that
                            | (, , ) −  (, , )| ≤  (, )|  −  |.
                      for any   ∈ [0, ], ,   ∈   and   ∈  .

                [B2] There exists positive-valued stochastic processes { } ∈[0,],1≤≤  such
                    that for any  > 0 and
                     > 0, (  1− ) ⋁(  −1− −1 ) ⋁ (  −3 5+ ) → 0,
                     [sup  (| −  | ⁄ | − | )] < ∞,  [sup  (| | + 1 | | )] < ∞
                          ≠                          ,       

                    is finite for any 1  ≤    ≤  , where the second supremum is taken over
                    all   sequences  { } , { }  ⊂ [0, ]  such   that   <     and
                    sup (ℓ ( −  )) <  ∞.

            We can see that [A2] holds under [B2].
                Here, we see the bias of the quasi-log-likelihood function  .
                Let () =   (( 1 2 ) ). For a 2 × 2 positive definite matrix B = (Bij)ij
            and a 2 × 2 symmetric matrix C = (Cij)ij, set
                     (, , , ) = ( (, )  (, ))
                                              ℓ (()( − )()(()())
                                  − (1 2)  1 2 −1                      −1 2 ),
                                                               142 | I S I   W S C   2 0 1 9
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