Page 150 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 1
P. 150

CPS1216 Teppei O.
                  distribution. However, we can see in the proof that this approximation is also
                  valid and ̂  still works for the case of non-Gaussian noise.

                  3.  Asymptotic theory for misspecified model of diffusion cesses
                      Ogihara [3] studied specified model:
                                       Σt, † ≡  (,  ,  ) for some nonrandom  ∈ Λ                 (3.1)
                  and showed asymptotic mixed normality of ̂  and local asymptotic normality
                  when ( )  and ( , †)  are nonrandom. In machine learning theory including
                  neural network, we usually consider a model which does not necessarily satisfy
                  (3.1) (misspecified model).
                      In  the  study  of  a  misspecified  model,  we  sometimes  face  different
                  asymptotics with a specified model.
                      For example, Uchida and Yoshida [5] studied ergodic diffusion  = ( )
                  with  observations      ,  where  ℎ → 0, ℎ → ∞ and  ℎ → 0 as    →  ∞.
                                      ℎ  =0                       
                  They showed that convergence rate of a maximum-likelihood-type estimator
                  for parameter in diffusion coefficients is √ℎ , which is different from the rate
                  √ for the specified model.
                      In our case, we also face different phenomenon from the specified case.
                  The  maximum-likelihood-type  estimator  ̂    cannot  attain  optimal  rate  of
                  convergence  due  to  the  existence  of  asymptotic  bias.  However,  we  can
                  construct  estimator  which  attains  the  optimal  rate  by  modifying  the

                  asymptotic bias.

                  a.  Consistency
                      In  this  section,  we  study  results  related  to  consistency  of  ̂ .  Since
                  convergence of ̂  is not ensured, we characterize convergence by means of a
                  function (, ′).
                      Here, we assume some conditions on the latent stochastic process X,Y and
                  market  microstructure  noise  ∈ ,  .  Let  [] =  [|{∏ } ] for  a  random
                  variable X and |A| = ∑ ||   for a matrix A.

                    [A1] 1. There exists a locally bounded function (, ) such that
                             |(, , ) −  (, , )| ≤  (, )(|  −  | + |  −  |)
                           for any ,   ∈ [0, ], ,   ∈   and σ ∈ Λ.
                        2.  ∑(, , ) is positive definite for any (, , ) ∈ [0, ] ×    ×  ().
                        3.   is locally bounded, that is, there exists an increasing sequence {}
                           of  stopping  times  such  that   →∞ 
                                                                   =   almost  surely  and
                           { ⋀  } 0≤≤ is bounded for each .
                        4.  sup ,, E[(∈ , ) ] < ∞ for any  > 0 and
                           sup 0≤<≤ ([| −  | ] | − |⁄  ) < ∞.
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