Page 151 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 1
P. 151

CPS1216 Teppei O.
                  5.  [min     #{;  ,  ∈ [  ,  )}  ≥ 1] →  1 as   →  ∞ and {ℓn
                           1≤≤       −1  
                     maxm,k(#{j;Tj ∈ [sm−1,sm)}   [|∑  ,   , | ]}  is tight.
                                                       ∈[ −1 ,  ) 
                                                                        ()         and
                  6.  There  exist  progressively  measurable  processes  {  }
                     { ̂ () }  such that sup  [| | ⋁| ̂ | ] < ∞,

                     for 0 ≤ j ≤ 1 and any q > 0, and
                                      (0)      (1)     (1)  (1)     (0)      (1)
                          ,† =  0,† + ∫     + ∫    ,       =  0  + ∫  ̂    + ∫  ̂   
                                   0        0                    0        0
                       for   ∈ [0, ].
                Some of these conditions are standard conditions in this field and easy to
            check. Related to market microstructure noise   ,  for X, point 5 of (A1)  is
            required.  Roughly  speaking,  this  condition  is  satisfied  if  the  summation  of
              ,  is of an order equivalent to the square root of the number of  , . This is
            satisfied if sampling frequency of {  , } is of order    and  , satisfies certain
            independency, martingale conditions or mixing conditions. Decomposition of
            X in point 6 of (A1) is used when we estimate the difference of  [  ] and
            ∑     , † which appear in an asymptotic representation of  .
                We  further  assume  conditions  for  the  sampling  scheme.  Let   =
            max |  ,  −  −1 | and  = min |  ,  −  −1 |. For  ∈ (0, 1 2), let   be the
            set  of  all  sequences  {[ ,  )}      of  invervals  on  [0, ] satisfying
              ℕ  ⊂ ℕ, [ , 1 ,  , 1 ) ∩ [ , 2 ,  , 2 ) = ∅  for  ,  ≠  , inf (  1− ( − )) > 0
            and sup ,  (  1− ( − )) > ∞.

              [A2] There exist  ∈ (0, 1 2),  > 0, ̇(0, 1] and positive-valued stochastic
                    processes { } ∈ [0, ],  = 1,2 such that sup ≠ (| −  |/| − | ) <  ∞
                    almost  surely,  −1 2+  (    ) →  0 and

                       −1 2+  max | 1− ( − ) #{; [ −1 ,   , ) ⊂ [ ,  )} −  ′ |   (3.2)
                              1≤≤                                       ,

                    Converges to zero in probability as  → ∞ for {[ ,  )} 1≤≤  ,∈ℕ  ∈ 
                    and  = 1,2. Moreover, (  1− ) ⋁(  −1− −1 ) →  0 for any  > 0.

                Condition  [A2]  is  about  the  law  of  large  numbers  of   ,  in  each  local
            interval[ ,  ). This  conditions  ensures  that  the  intensity  of  observation
                                                                  −1 2+  −1
            count converges to some intensity   with the order (   ) .
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