Page 88 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 1
P. 88

CPS1110 Selamawit M. et al.
                   likelihood estimation criterion. The sensitivity of the kernel likelihood model are
                   tested out on the prediction of posterior model based on the traditional and trend
                   prior models.
                     The conclusion is that the trend prior model and the circular uniform kernel
                   likelihood  model  provide  the  best  prediction  results.  Using  a  reliable  kernel
                   likelihood  model  appears  as  the  most  important  feature.  Inversion  based  on
                   Gaussian kernel likelihood models provide the by far less reliable predictions. Lastly,
                   in order to have sufficiently good prediction of the sub-surface profiles, one may
                   need to draw attentions to the choice of band width.

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