Page 86 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 1
P. 86

CPS1110 Selamawit M. et al.
                  of the band width on posterior model, we have used three different level of
                  band width which are low, optimum, and high respectively. Their performance
                  are tested on prediction from the posterior model. The prediction will actually
                  heavily depend on the choice of band width. The effect of varying band width
                  on the circular uniform kernel likelihood model is illustrated in Fig.2. It has two
                  parts, the upper part contains contour plots of the likelihood model for each
                  soil class made from the circular uniform kernel while the lower part contains
                  posterior model result based on the trend prior model and the corresponding
                  likelihood model.
                     The reference profile   , observations   , the prior marginal pdf profile,
                  the MAP, MMAP, and the posterior probability profile   are presented in the
                  lower display going from left to right respectively. Seven realizations which are
                  sampled from the posterior pdf are also presented in the lower display in the
                  same figure. The MAP, MMAP, and posterior marginal pdf based on circular
                  uniform kernel likelihood model with optimum band width are presented in
                  the  upper  right  of  Fig.2b.  The  prediction  largely  appear  with  the  correct
                  sequence of the classes compared to the true profile at the top left in the same
                  figure.  However,  there  appears  to  be  some  overlaps  of  the  classes.  For
                  example, the red class is predicted in approximately half of the blue class at
                  the  bottom  of  the  profile.  The  main  reason  for  this  may  be  found  in  the
                  likelihood model. The red classes have masked some part of the blue classes.
                  Observe also the bimodality in the likelihood model, see Fig.1b and 2a. The
                  corresponding realization in the bottom line of Fig.2b are fairly similar, and
                  display  little  uncertainty,  resulting  from  the  bimodal  likelihood  model  see

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