Page 96 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 1
P. 96

CPS1158 Varun A. et al.
                  model is discontinuous.  Liu et al. (2011) considered the limiting distributions
                  of  the  least-squares  estimators  for  non-stationary  TAR  model  and  Li  et  al.
                  (2011) extended Liu et al. (2011) works for TARMA model. Rather than classical
                  methodology, it is also attracting researchers under Bayesian framework. Chen
                  and  Lee  (1995)  obtained  its  Bayesian  estimation  for  two  regimes  through
                  Gibbs sampler and M-H algorithm. Chen (1998) and Charif (2003) constructed
                  a  Bayesian  framework  for  generalized  TAR  model  and  TMA  model,
                  respectively. Yu (2012) obtained the likelihood based inference in threshold
                  regression model that allow heteroskedasticity and threshold effect in both
                  mean  and  variance.  Xia  et  al.  (2012)  generalized  TARMA  with  explanatory
                  variables model and considered iterative least square and two stage MCMC
                  methods for estimation. Pan et al. (2017) discussed the multiple thresholds
                  autoregressive model and obtained the threshold dependent sequence using
                  stochastic  search  selection  method.    TAR  model  is  also  extended  with
                  structural break when change in state space parallel occurs with change in
                  time domain. This is very serious problem in time series which is not much
                  explored  by  researchers.  Yau  et  al.  (2015)  derived  a  minimum  descriptive
                  length  principle  to  estimate  the  TAR  parameters  and  detecting  the
                  breakpoints. Gao and Ling (2018) considered the least square estimation of
                  TAR model with structural break and shows that threshold and break points
                  are n-consistent and converge weakly to a Poisson process and two-sided
                  random walk respectively.
                     Above  literature  shows  that  inference  about  TAR  model  with  structural
                  change was done in classical approach but no one have perform this under
                  Bayesian  framework.  So,  the  main  objective  of  this  paper  is  to  develop  a
                  Bayesian setup of multiple regimes TAR model with multiple structural breaks.
                  A conditional posterior distribution is obtained for parameter estimation form
                  a  Bayesian  point  of  view.  For  building  better  inference,  we  used  various
                  symmetric and asymmetric loss functions. A simulation and empirical study is
                  carried out using Gibbs sampler and N-H algorithm techniques to record the
                  performance  of  the  Bayesian  perspective  of  multiple  breaks  and  multiple
                  regimes TAR model.

                  2.  Threshold Autoregressive model with Structural Break
                     Let  {yt ;  t=1,2,…,T  }  be  a  stochastic  process  having  a  multiple  unknown
                  change  points  and  each  change  point  interval  follows  a  multiple-regimes
                  threshold  autoregressive  (TAR)  model.  Then,  the  mathematical  form  of  m-
                  breaks and k-regimes TAR model (MB-TAR(m,k)) is obtained as
                                p ij
                      y =  ( ij)  +   l ( ij)  y t  l −  +  e t ( ij)  r ij−1    y t−    r ij  T i−1   t   T i
                               l =1                               d i                     (1)

                  for i=1,2,…,m; j=1,2,…,ki, where di is the i  delay parameter of the TAR model
                  acquire some positive integer value from  ,2,1  ,d  0 i  ,  d is the maximum delay
                                                                      0 i
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