Page 97 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 1
P. 97
CPS1158 Varun A. et al.
lag considered and rij is the threshold parameter of the j regime of the i
break point constitute a partition on the real line and satisfy
− = r i0 r i1 r i ik = . The locations of structural breaks are
0 = T T T = T that partition the time series into TAR models. The
number of structural breaks (m) having partition in such a way that each break
segment having ki regimes TAR model with delay parameter di. The error term
is independent and identically normal distributed random variable with
mean zero and unknown variance . Also, TAR model coefficients and
lags order are also different with respect to change in threshold and delay
parameter as well as the presence of break points. In time series, sequential
observations is valuable for making effective statistical inference so
reorganized the MB-TAR generating observations in a group of each regimes
for a particular break interval. This separation appears in an order form and
does not need to know the threshold value. Let πij be the time index of the j
smallest observation in i break point in this series. Then, each regime has (sij-
sij-1) observations from (yp+1-d, yp+2-d,…, yTi-d) where p=max(pij; i=1,2,…,m;
j=1,2,…,ki). Therefore, we can rewrite the model (1) as given by
p ij ( ij) ( ij) (2)
y w + d i l =1 l y w + d i − l + e w + d i ij s −1 w ij ij s i T −1 ij s i T (2)
Given the first p-observations, likelihood function of the model (2) can be
obtained as
s ij −s ij −1 2
m k i
( L y | ) (2 ij 2 ) − 2 exp − 1 s ij y − ( ij) − p ij l ( ij) y −l
= i 1 = j 1 2 ij 2 w ij =s ij −1 +1 w ij +d i = l 1 w ij +d i
n ij
m k i 2 − 1 ( ij) ' ( ij)
ij − ( Y ij − X ij )( Y ij − X ij ) (3)
( ) 2 exp
i 1 2 ij 2
= = j 1
where sij satisfy y r y s , = T s , = T , nij =sij-sij-1;
ij s ij ij s + 1 i0 1 - i ik i i
1 y y
ij s −1 +1 +d i −1 ij s −1 +1 +d i − p ij
1 y +d −1 y +d − p
X ij = ij s −1 +2 i ij s −1 +2 i ij
1 y y
ij s +d i −1 ij s +d i − p ij Y ij = y s +1 +d i , y s +2 +d i , , y s +d i ;
ij −1 ij −1 ij
3. Bayesian Inference
In general, Bayesian inference provides some additional information about
the unknown parameter rather than existing data information named as prior
information. Selection of a prior is a main assignment in Bayesian study
because on the basis of suitable prior, distinguish characteristic of the
unknown parameters. However, present study targets only for estimation, so
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