Page 118 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 118

CPS1447 Russasmita S.P. et al.
                  definition in statistics, but the colloquial meaning as in how much space the
                  plot  takes  on  the  paper.  P1’s  statement  about  height  also  reveals  similar
                  situation. This finding need to be met with caution because according to the
                  findings  of  Wijaya,  Robitzsch,  Doorman,  and  Heuvel-Panhuizen  (2014),
                  treating graph as a picture is one of the common errors in solving context-
                  based mathematics task.
                      Even  though  the  students  needed  teacher’s  prompting,  the  growing
                  sample activity while comparing it to the population is proven to be a simple
                  yet effective and engaging way for the students to learn about the effect of
                  sample size on representativeness. The students can experience by themselves
                  what happens as the sample grow larger and larger, which support stronger
                  understanding of effect of sample size.
                      To  summarize,  the  activities  designed  and conducted  in  this  study  can
                  support  novice  students  in  developing  reasoning  about  sample  and
                  population. This activity is also low in cost and does not demand much in
                  facilities.  We  hope  that  the  result  of  this  study  can  revolutionize  the  way
                  sample  and  population  being  introduced  in  Indonesian  mathematics
                      There is several suggestion that we offer for future researchers interested
                  in this topic or teachers interested to implement this lesson design in their
                  classroom. Regarding the first lesson, we suggest the teacher to prompt the
                  students to choose one number that best represent the whole class, especially
                  in situation where there are two modal values. We also did not further inquire
                  the students’ reasoning in predicting the class plot, which we strongly suggest
                  the future researchers to  do. Inquiring the students’ reasoning about their
                  preference  to  ‘fill-in’  the  plot  might  provide  more  insight  on  typical
                  misconception about sample and population that might occur with novice
                      For the second lesson, we suggest the teachers to provide a list of question
                  that can help the students to identify the characteristics of each group plot
                  (i.e.  sample  statistics).  It  might  prevent  them  to  view  the  plot  as  picture.
                  Teachers should also emphasis in the end of the lesson about what sampling
                  variability is, or ask the students to do so. The list of question might also help
                  during the growing sample activity. Next step for future research that we think
                  will  be  interesting  is  to  analyse  the  students’  utterance  during  classroom
                  activities  or  pre-  and  post-test  according  to  the  framework  proposed  by
                  Watson and Moritz (2000).

                   1.  Arnold, P. et al. (2011) ‘Enhancing Students ’ In ferential Reasoning :
                      From Hands-On To “ Movies’, Journal of Statistics Education, 19(2), pp.

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