Page 244 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 244

CPS1846 Maryam I. et al.
                  from ships and drifting buoys (e.g. Kennedy et al., 2011b). The raw data initially
                  undergo quality control process followed by a homogenization assessment
                  (Dunn et al., 2014). In quality control, the data are subject to removing the
                  random noise resulting from instrumental or observer error (Dunn et al., 2016).
                  After this, systematic biases are removed (Dunn et al., 2016) that arise from
                  station movements or incorrect station merges, changes in instruments and
                  observing practices and land use changes around stations (more commonly
                  known as urbanization impacts). The process of getting rid of these systematic
                  biases is referred as homogenization (Domonkos and Coll, 2017). The purpose
                  of homogenization techniques is to remove or at least reduce the non-climatic
                  signals that will likely affect the true data characteristics (e.g. Hausfather et al.,
                  2016; Cao et al., 2017). Blended land and sea surface temperature data are
                  generated by a variety of organizations. These include Merged Land-Ocean
                  Surface  Temperature  (MLOST)  by  the  National  Oceanic  and  Atmospheric
                  Administration  (NOAA)  (Smith  et  al.,  2008),  Goddard  Institute  for  Space
                  Studies (GISS) surface temperature anomalies by the National Aeronautics and
                  Space  Administration  (NASA)  (Hansen  et  al., 2010),  temperature  anomalies
                  provided  by  Japanese  Meteorological  Agency  (JMA)  (Ishii  et  al.,  2005),
                  HadCRUT temperature anomalies by the Met Office Hadley Centre and the
                  University  of  East  Anglia  Climatic  Research  Unit  (Morice  et  al.,  2012),  and
                  Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature (BEST) by Rhode et al. (2013). Each group
                  compiles these monthly temperature products using somewhat different input
                  data, and extensively different quality control and homogenization procedures
                  (e.g. Rohde, 2013; Jones, 2016). For instance, GISS makes substantial use of
                  satellite data (Hansen et al., 2010); MLOST only uses satellite data in a limited
                  capacity (Smith et al., 2008); and HadCRUT and BEST use no satellite data at
                  all (Morice et al., 2012; Rhode et al., 2013). These data sets are different in
                  terms  of  their  starting  years:  1850-present  for  HadCRUT  and  BEST;  1880-
                  present for GISS and NOAA; and 1891-present for JMA. The spatial resolution
                  is different as well. Each group also employ different methods of averaging to
                  derive gridded temperature products from in situ measurements (Jones, 2016;
                  McKinnon et al., 2017). In addition to these methodological differences, spatial
                  coverage is also being treated differently by these groups.
                      The  HadCRUT4  and  JMA  datasets  do  not  interpolate  over  grid  boxes
                  having  missing  observations.  It  is  important  to  note  that  JMA  records  are
                  produced using optimally interpolated (i.e. kriging) sea surface temperature
                  anomalies (Ishii et al., 2005; Kennedy, 2014). On the other hand, no spatial
                  interpolation is performed on HadSST3 (Rayner et al., 2006) and CRUTEM4
                  (Jones et al., 2012) that are the land and sea components of HadCRUT4 data
                  set. The MLOST performs linear spatial interpolation using nearby stations in
                  areas lacking stations (Smith et al., 2008). For broader spatial coverage, the
                  GISS uses a linear inverse distance weighting with data from all the stations up

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