Page 246 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 246

CPS1846 Maryam I. et al.
                  predict the underlying process at an arbitrary location  ∈   and to estimate
                  the uncertainty in the prediction. For  ∈  ,

                                            () =  + ()+ ∈ ()

                  where  is mean and ∈ is the error term. The unknown spatial process () is
                  assumed to be the sum of  independent processes having different scales of
                  spatial dependence. Each process is alinear combination of  basis functions
                  where () is the number of basis function at level .

                                      () = ∑ () =  ∑ ∑   ()
                                              =1       =1  =1

                  The basis function ( ) are fixed. These are constructed at each level using
                  the unimodal and symmetric radial basis functions. Radial basis functions are
                  functions that depend only on the distance from the center. The  inference
                  methodology  of  multi-resolution  lattice  kriging  Nychka  et  al.  (2015)  is  the
                  direct  consequence  of  maximizing  the  likelihood  function.  This  inference
                  framework does not account for the uncertainty in the parameters of multi-
                  resolution lattice kriging (Nychka et al., 2015). Here, a different approach is
                  proposed to estimate the multi-resolution lattice kriging model parameters.
                  This methodology makes use of the uncertainty in the parameters. For this, a
                  Bayesian framework is considered in which the posterior densities of the multi-
                  resolution  lattice  kriging  parameters  are  estimated  using  Approximate
                  Bayesian  Computation  (ABC).  In  addition  to  this,  it  allows  the  spatial
                  predictions  and  quantification  of  standard  errors  in  these  predictions
                  accounting for the uncertainties in the multi-resolution lattice kriging model
                  parameters. The primary data used in this thesis are the respected HadCRUT4
                  (version  temperature  anomalies  (Morice  et  al.,  2012).  It  is  a
                  combination of global land surface air temperature (CRUTEM4) (Jones et al.,
                  2012) and sea surface monthly temperatures (HadSST3) (Kennedy et al., 2011b,
                  a; Kennedy, 2014). The HadCRUT4 database consists of temperature anomalies
                  with respect to the baseline (1961-1990). Monthly temperatures are provided
                  beginning from 1850 over a 5  x 5  grid. The average temperature anomalies
                  of the stations falling within each grid are provided (Morice et al., 2012).

                  3.  Result
                      The ensemble temperature data set created by Ilyas et al. (2017) presumed
                  perfect knowledge of multi-resolution lattice kriging covariance parameters.
                  The approximate Bayesian computation based multi-resolution lattice kriging
                  developed in Section 2.1 is applied to the sparse HadCRUT4 ensemble data

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