Page 247 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 247

CPS1846 Maryam I. et al.
            (Morice et al., 2012). As a result of this, a 10,000 member ensemble data is
            created. It is an update to the data set discussed in Ilyas et al. (2017). It was
            generated  using  multi-resolution  lattice  kriging  (Nychka  et  al.,  2015)  that
            estimated the model covariance parameters using a likelihood approach. The
            key difference between the two data sets is the inference methodology. The
            updated data set is produced by using the ABC based posterior densities of
            the multi-resolution lattice kriging covariance parameters. The use of posterior
            distribution of the model parameters creates a data set that accounts for the
            multi-resolution  lattice  kriging  parametric  uncertainties.  The  ABC  posterior
            distributions and model parameters of multiresolution lattice kriging are used
            to  generate  an  ensemble.  This  ensemble  data  is  based  on  HadCRUT4
            temperature  data.  The HadCRUT4  monthly  data  set consists  of 100  sparse
            ensemble members. For each of 100 monthly spatial fields of HadCRUT4, a
            spatially  complete  100  member  ensemble  is  created  that  samples  the
            coverage and  parametric uncertainties of multi-resolution lattice kriging. It
            results in 10,000 ensemble members. These ensemble members are referred
            as a hyperparameter temperature ensemble data set. The 100 members of
            ensemble generated from a HadCRUT4 ensemble member are the random
            fields  from  the  multivariate  conditional  normal  distribution.  These  sample
            fields  are  drawn  by  conditioning  on  the  HadCRUT4  available  field
            measurements,  multi-resolution  lattice  kriging  covariance  model,  and
            variogram  based  ABC  posteriors  of  autoregressive  weights  and  smoothing
            parameter.  In  other  words,  10  fields  are  drawn  from  the  multivariate
            conditional normal distribution. These are sampled corresponding to each of
            the 10 draws from the ABC posterior distributions of smoothing parameter
            and autoregressive weights. This ensemble data set is generated using UCL
            High-Performance Computing (HPC) facility.

            4.  Discussion and Conclusion
                This paper proposes a spatial model that can cope with large data settings.
            It is based on multi-resolution lattice kriging and variogram based ABC. Multi-
            resolution  lattice  kriging  provides  flexible  framework  to  handle  large  data
            settings  and  it  is  straight  forward  to  paralellize  the  rejection  algorithm  of
            variogram based ABC. As each iteration of acceptance rejection algorithm is
            independent of the remaining iterations. Hence, each iteration can in principle
            be carried out to one CPU core. Therefore, variogram based multi-resolution
            lattice kriging provides flexible modeling framework for large data settings.
            This ABC methodology for multi-resolution lattice kriging is used to create a
            temperature  data  product  that  accounts  for  observational,  coverage  and
            multi-resolution parametric uncertainties. This is the updated version of the
            data  set  created  in  the  second  chapter.  It  should  be  borne  in  mind  that
            parametric uncertainties are based on 10 samples drawn from ABC posteriors.

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