Page 262 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 262

CPS1853 M. Irsyad Ilham
                  Number  of  motor  vehicles  signed  as  unit.  The  source of  data  is  Indonesia
                  Statistical Agency and Ministry of Environment and Forest.  Panel data  was
                  combination form of time series and cross section data. The combination of
                  time series and cross section data was used to prevent such lacking of time
                  series and cross section data itself. Moreover, panel data were capable in order
                  to  answer  the  questions  which  time  series  or  cross  section  data  cannot
                  answered. Besides, some advantages in using panel data according to Baltagi
                      1.  Panel data would controlling about individual heterogeneity;
                      2.  Panel data give more informative data, more variability, less collinearity
                         among the variables, more degrees of freedom, and more efficiency;
                      3.  Panel data are better able to study the dynamics of adjustment;
                      4.  Panel  data  are  better  able  to  identify  and  measure  effects  that  are
                         simply not detectable in pure cross section or pure time series data;
                      5.  Panel data models allow us to construct and test more complicated
                         behavioral models than purely cross section or time series data.

                     To determine the most appropriate model used in the study conducted
                  model significance test. Model selection can be done informally or formally.
                  According to Gujarati and Porter (2008) there are four considerations that can
                  be  used  to  choose  the  best  model  between  fixed  effect  or  random  effect
                  model, namely:
                      -  If the amount of time series (T) data is large and the number of cross
                         section (N) data is small, the difference between the fixed effect and
                         the random effect model is very small, so the choice is based on the
                         ease of calculation, ie the fixed effect model.
                      -  When the amount of time series (T) data is small and the number of
                         large  cross  section  (N)  data,  the  estimates  obtained  by  the  two
                         methods can differ significantly. In the random effect model, α_i = "" α
                         + μ_i where μ_i is the component of individual error and αi in fixed
                         effect model is not random. If the individual or unit of the cross section
                         of the sample used is not random, then the fixed effect model is more
                         appropriate to use. Whereas, if the cross section unit is random, the
                         random effect model is more appropriate to use.
                      -  If the individual error components μ_i and one or more regressor are
                         correlated,  the  estimator  derived  from  the  random  effect  model  is
                         biased, whereas the fixed effect model is unbiased so that the fixed
                         effect model is better used.
                      -  If the number of large cross section (N) data and the number of small
                         time series (T) data and the assumption of the random effect model
                         are met, the random effect model estimator is more efficient than the
                         fixed effect model estimator.

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