Page 265 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 265

CPS1853 M. Irsyad Ilham

                                             ∑   (∑    ) 2  2
                                   =        [  =1  =1    − 1]
                                        2( − 1)  ∑   ∑    2
                                                    =1  =1  
            Calculation :

                                      (31)(4) 3.0785       2
                                 =         [      − 1] = 127.0284
                                      2(4 − 1) 0.8848

                The  panel  data  regression  model  to  analyse  the  effect  of  economic
            development, population density, and number of vehicle on environmental
            quality is random effect as seen in Table 5. Based estimation result from the
            best  model,  it  reject  null  hypothesis  since  Prob  (F-Stat)  is  0.00  below  five
            percent.  Then,  it  can  be  stated  that  by  five  percent  significance  level  all
            independent variables simultaneously affect environmental quality index of
            provinces in Indonesia. The partial test of independent variables shows that
            the Prob (t-stat) smaller than 0.05 which means that reject Null hypothesis.
            Hence, it can be concluded that by five percent significance level, partially
            GRDP  per  capita,  population  density,  and  number  of  vehicles  significantly
            affect the environmental quality index (EQI). The empirical model that have
            been estimated is:

            ln(EQI) = 5,272858 ‐ 0,061763 ln(GDRPC) ‐ 0,071430 ln(DEN) ‐0,043757 ln(NV)
                * Significant at 5 percent
                              Table 5. Estimation result of panel regression
                             Dependent Variable: ln(EQI)
               Variable   Coefficie  Std. Error   P-value
               C          5.2729    0.298705     0.0000
               ln(GDRPC)   -0.0618   0.029043    0.0355
               ln(DEN)    -0.0714   0.012546     0.0000
               ln(NV)     -0.0438   0.016374     0.0086
                  Random Effects (Cross)
               Province     Effect     Province     Effect     Province        Effect
               Aceh       0.097147   East Kalimantan  0.118507   North Sumatera   0.055236
               Bali       0.058845   Riau Islands   0.129586
               Bangka     -0.130372  Lampung      -0.11052
               Banten     -0.148431  Maluku       -0.03397
               Bengkulu   -0.028395  North Maluku   -0.07251
               Yogyakarta   -0.05612   West       0.063185
               Jakarta    -0.01694   East         -0.07497

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