Page 264 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 264

CPS1853 M. Irsyad Ilham
                  homoscedasticity,  non-autocorrelation,  and  non-multi-collinearity.  Special
                  case if the selected model is random effect, the harnessing of Generalized
                  Least Square (GLS) or Feasible GLS to estimate parameters has accommodate
                  the  homoscedasticity  and  non-autocorrelation  assumption.  Hence,  random
                  effect model uses assumption of normality and multi-collinearity (Heshmati et
                  al., 2015; Singer and Willett, 2003)

                  3.  Result
                      First step is testing between CEM and FEM using Chow test. The F test
                  bring  out  panel  data  technique  between  common  and  fixed  effect  model.
                  Based on calculation in Table 1, F-Statistic value is 30.426 which more than F-
                  critical value 1.59. The p-value also smaller than five percent significance level
                  which means that reject Null hypothesis. By five percent significance level, the
                  intercept across provinces unequal or FEM is better than CEM. The second step
                  is testing whether REM and FEM using Hausman test. Based on the test below,
                  it cannot reject null hypothesis because the value of Hausman statistic is 6.78
                  which smaller than the value of Chi-Square critical value 7.81. Therefore, by
                  five  percent  significance  level,  random  effect  model  is  better  to  use  on
                  explaining the effect of independent variable to the environmental quality.

                                 Table 1. Chow Test dan Hausman Test of the model
                       Redundant Fixed Effects Tests
                       Pool: SKRIPSI
                       Test cross-section fixed effects

                       Effects Test                        Statistic        d.f.      Prob.

                       Cross-section F                    30.425948       (30,90)   0.0000
                       Cross-section Chi-square          298.929303         30     0.0000

                       Correlated Random Effects - Hausman Test
                       Pool: SKRIPSI
                       Test cross-section random effects

                       Test Summary                         Statistic   Chi-Sq. d.f.   Prob.

                       Cross-section random                6.788311          3     0.0790

                      Thus, the Breuch-Pagan LM test is used to search the best model between
                  CEM and REM. Having calculate the statistic LM test, the value is more than
                  Chi-Square critical table 3.841 and can be concluded that REM is better than
                  CEM  to  analyse  the  affect  independent  variable  on  environmental
                  degradation.  Thus,  the  decision  is  to  teject  Ho  because  LM  =  127.0284  >
                   (0.05,1)  = 3.841
                  Statistical test :
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