Page 312 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 312

CPS1873 Ferenc M. et al.
                  the target population annually. As EU-SILC statistics (European Union Statistics
                  on Income and Living Conditions) are based on the data from the HBLS, a
                  significant  share  of  the  research  questions  (variables)  are  internationally
                  harmonised. Even in these cases, it is of great importance to find the best
                  Hungarian  formulation  possible,  that  is,  whose  interpretation  by  the
                  respondents and elicitation of responses is the closest to the intention of the

                  2.  Methodology
                      The cognitive questionnaire testing methodology used in the project will
                  be described in detail below, for its Hungarian  adaptation is an  important
                  achievement of the project. Due to the qualitative nature and special purpose
                  of  cognitive  testing,  the  selection  of  participants  typically  follows  such
                  selection strategies whose primary aims include not only reaching a certain
                  degree  of  heterogeneity  but  also  ensuring  that  the  sample  covers  an
                  adequately wide range of the target population (Willis, 2005).
                      The recommendations on sample size typically range between 5-50 people
                  in the literature. (Snijkers, 2002, Willis, 2005, Blair et al. 2006, Beatty & Willis,
                  2007, Blair & Conrad, 2011, etc.). The major factors to be considered in the
                  composition of the sample should be the characteristics of the respondents
                  the survey focuses on and the complexity of the questions (Miller et al. 2014).
                  In case of the cognitive testing of the HBLS questionnaire we aimed at a small
                  sample  qualitative  analysis  of  the  cognitive  processes  in  the  question-
                  response process.
                      Sampling for cognitive questionnaire test studies is usually done in a non-
                  representative, purposive way. In the case of the present study, interlocked
                  quota  sample  design  was  used  (see  Collins,  2015).  The  selection  criteria
                  (quotas)  were  fitted  to  the  characteristics  of  the  HBLS.  The  final  sampling
                  criteria were thus the following: level of education, residence (capital versus
                  small rural village), and main activity status. The size of the sample designed
                  with these carefully chosen aspects in mind was 12 people. Regarding sample
                  size, the budget allocated for the study was determinative, the sample design
                  had to be tailored to it (number of selection criteria  and test subjects per
                      Weighing the alternatives, two of the possible recruitment channels were
                  deemed befitting the target population of the cognitive testing of the HBLS
                  questionnaire:  the  combination  of  (online)  advertisement  and  recruitment
                  through  personal  network  could  ensure  optimal  results.  Thus  our  criteria
                  enabled including hard-to-reach populations (such as residents of small rural
                  villages as well as active urban residents with low level education) in the study
                  as well as filling each quota. A reserve sample of one reserve person assigned

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