Page 311 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 311

CPS1873 Ferenc M. et al.

                          Experiences with the theme coding method of
                           cognitive questionnaire testing at Hungarian
                                     Central Statistical Office
                                 Ferenc Mújdricza, Mónika Földvári
                                    Hungarian Central Statistical Office

            Cognitive  testing  aims  at  better  understanding  of  the  question-response
            process. It provides a basis for exploring and reducing sources of response
            error, thereby it enables the design of survey questions that fit better to the
            research goal as well as the ultimate enhancement of survey data quality. Our
            presentation  focuses  on  the  experiences  of  the  2017-2018  cognitive  test
            project  of  Household  Budget  and  Living  Conditions  Survey  (HBLS)  at
            Hungarian Central Statistical Office  (HCSO), with a  special attention to the
            recent  methodological  questions  of  designing,  conducting,  and  analysing
            cognitive  interviews.  These  experiences  contribute  to  the  improvement  of
            questionnaire  testing  methodologies  of  surveys  utilising  internationally
            harmonised,  extensive  questionnaires,  with  particular  regard  to  the
            possibilities of questionnaire testing at NSIs.

            cognitive testing methodology; Theme Coding method; complex, extensive
            questionnaire testing at NSIs

            1.  Introduction
                The cognitive testing of the HBLS questionnaire  served a twofold purpose:
            questionnaire testing and Hungarian pilot for the recently adapted, Grounded
            Theory-based Theme Coding approach of cognitive testing methodology. The
            purpose  of  the  pilot  was  to  gain  valuable  experiences  that  enable  the
            improvement  of  the  HCSO’s  questionnaire  testing  protocols.  Cognitive
            interviewing  (CI)  studies  provide  means  for  revealing  how  respondents
            interpret  and  answer  the  questions  in  the  light  of  their  own  lives  and
            experiences.  Furthermore,  interpretational  pattern  and  response  process
            characteristics of particular social groups can be discovered. The usability of
            the questions can be analysed, enhanced, and, if necessary, repaired based on
            the knowledge of these factors.
                The aim of the HBLS is to collect data on income and living conditions of
            Hungarian households. Working with representative probability samples, the
            HBLS collects data on approximately 8,000 households and 20,000 persons of

              The final report (Földvári, Dorkó & Mújdricza, 2018, p. 1-508) contains the description of the
            entire testing process and its results in full detail.
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