Page 313 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 313

CPS1873 Ferenc M. et al.
            to  each  quota  cell  was  also  created  to  ensure  replacement  in  case  of  an
            unforeseeable absence of any selected test subject (Mújdricza, 2018).
                During  the  cognitive  test  semi-structured  in-depth  interviews  were
            conducted on the subjects’ mental processes and considerations as they form
            answers  to  survey  questions  (understanding  what  the  question  is  asking,
            recalling relevant information, formulating an answer, mapping the answer
            onto the provided response categories). Of the two main practices used in
            cognitive interviewing (think aloud and verbal probing approach), the verbal
            probing  method  was  chosen  for  the  testing  of  the  HBLS  questionnaire.  In
            verbal probing, the interviewer facilitates the revealing of thought processes
            by composing situation-specific or post-situation questions as probes. There
            are  two  different  practical  approaches  within  the  verbal  probing  method:
            concurrent or retrospective probing. They can also be used in combination,
            enabling the separate testing of the questions as well as getting an overall
            general  picture  on  the  questionnaire  at  the  same  time  (Willis,  1999,  2015,
            Collins, 2015). Such combined probing was done in the testing of the HBLS
            questionnaire.  On  the  one  hand,  probes  on  specific  questions  were
            administered concurrently with the asked questions of the questionnaire, on
            the  other  hand,  retrospective  probes  were  administered  after  finishing the
            questionnaire about  how  it  was  to  answer  the questions  in  general.  Some
            probes (especially for questions difficult to understand) were designed pre-
            interview (scripted probes), however, the each interviewer was authorised to
            ask spontaneous probes in the entire course of the interview to further clarify
            certain topics in case s/he deemed it necessary. In line with the most recent
            methodological  recommendations  (Miller  et  al.  2014,  Willis,  2015,  Collins,
            2015), the pre-composed probes, too, were flexibly modified simultaneously
            with the progress of the interviewing phase when sufficient experience was
            gathered  on  the  usability  of  the  pre-scripted  probes,  and  also  during  the
            interviews in order to make them appropriate to the actual interview situation.
                During the (usually) semi-structured interviews, the success of acquiring
            relevant information depends on the active, ‘on-the-spot’ analytic attention of
            the researcher in case of the verbal probing method. So the researcher has to
            provide adequate, facilitative frames and support for the interviewees so that
            they can reveal how they interpret and reply a question in the light of their
            experiences. Only the interviewees can give information on it, but it is of great
            importance  to  ask  their  experiences  rather  than  their  opinions  on  the
            questions.  Asking  the  interviewees’  opinion  on  the  questionnaire  is
            unreasonable and might well be misleading, for they usually lack the necessary
            expertise to assess the quality of a questionnaire or its questions. Interviewees
            should be treated as knowledgeable informants rather than evaluators (Miller
            et al. 2014, Willis, 2015). If multiple researchers do the cognitive interviewing,
            the consistency of the interviewing must be maintained. The opportunity to

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