Page 316 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 316

CPS1873 Ferenc M. et al.
                  4.  Comparison  of  specific  respondent  groups:  do  the  experiences  of
                  respondents  with  different  economic/social/cultural  background  differ?
                  (Developing an advanced schema)
                      On  the  fourth  level  of  analysis,  systematic  comparison  of  test  subject
                  groups was carried out in order to discover whether any particular themes are
                  more  apparent  among  specific  groups.  By  performing  cross-group
                  comparison of the themes, advanced schemas were developed (see Miller et
                  al. 2014) in text format or in complex cases, with tree diagram visualisation.
                  5. Summary of the overall functioning of each question among respondents
                  with different economic/social/cultural backgrounds
                      It is important to note that the first three analytic steps occur, to a certain
                  degree, simultaneously, because the identification of the themes (step 3) may
                  spontaneously  begin  during  interviewing  (step  1)  or  when  the  analyst  is
                  summarising  the  interview  excerpts  (step  2).  The  ‘constant  comparison’
                  principle of GT (Glaser & Strauss, 1967) requires the analyst to continuously
                  move back and forth between raw textual data, themes, and conceptual claims
                  (Miller et al. 2014, Mújdricza & Földvári, 2018).

                  3.  Result
                      The cognitive questionnaire testing method presented above produced
                  plenty of valuable results for the HBLS questionnaire testing project as well as
                  for  the  general  purpose  of  the  pilot:  the  improvement  of  the  HCSO’s
                  methodological protocols for questionnaire testing. Numerous directions for
                  improvement were outlined in both aspects, of such efficiency, quality, and
                  quantity that is unprecedented in previous similar  test programmes of  the
                      Almost half of the total HBLS questionnaire: 171 questions were tested in
                  the project, with pre-scripted probes for 31 questions. Spontaneous probes
                  were used by the rest of the tested questions (140 questions) in case of any
                  respondent uncertainty. Based on the experiences of the cognitive testing,
                  recommendations  for  modification,  for  altering  the  composition,  or  for
                  rewriting were made – staying within the frames of the EU-SILC Description  –
                  in case of 99 questions total in order to enhance their interpretability and
                  answerability (i.e. ease of response). The results clearly demonstrate that if the
                  ultimate goal of a cognitive test is to formulate a question that serves the
                  purpose  of  the  survey  research  as  best  as  possible,  the  methodology  for
                  exploring the respondents’ thought processes applied in the present study
                  outperforms alternative testing opportunities by far.

                    Methodological Guidelines and Description of EU-SILC Target Variables, hereinafter referred
                  to as: Description.
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