Page 356 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 356

CPS1885 Karuna G. R. et al.
                Table 1: OSB, OSS and VOF for Gamma Distribution with Varying Stratum Costs
                       Strata ()   Cost ( ℎ )   OSB ( ℎ )   OSS ( ℎ )   VOF (∑  =    √  )
                       2           2          90334.26     529             41707.46
                                   3                       471
                       3           2          68710.61     394             31903.89
                                   3          122154.42    260
                                   4                       347
                       4           2          58134.52     311
                                   3          95280.69     248             26796.37
                                   4          143734.12    174
                                   5                       268
                       5           2          51601.88     270
                                   3          81388.33     233             21911.25
                                   4          114143.44    153
                                   5          160051.74    117
                                   6                       226
                       6           2          47070.99     229
                                   3          72546.29     209
                                   4          98321.26     167             19986.07
                                   5          128838.89    106
                                   6          173141       96
                                   7                       193

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