Page 358 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 358

CPS1887 Sahidan A. et al.
                  influence  glaciers  and  ice  sheets  and  how  rising  atmospheric  greenhouse
                  gases influence land surface temperature (Przyborski, 2018).
                      The processes of water balance and the surface energy through global
                  scales is one of the most significant parameters in measuring LST (Kustas and
                  Anderson, 2009; Karnieli et al., 2010). LST knowledge delivers information on
                  the  spatial  variations  on  the  equilibrium  surface  temporal  state  and
                  fundamental importance in many applications (Kerr et al., 2000). Therefore,
                  there were different area that regularly used of LST including, urban climate,
                  hydrological  cycle,  vegetation  monitoring,  evapotranspiration  and
                  environmental  studies,  climate  change  and  others  (Hansen  et  al.,  2010).
                  Additionally, it has been accepted as one of the high-priority parameters for
                  the International Geosphere and Biosphere Program (IGBP) (Townshend et al.,
                      Land  surface  characteristics  have  a  strong  heterogeneity  such  as  in
                  vegetation, land cover, land use soil and topography (Liu et al., 2006; Neteler,
                  2010). In term of land cover change and land use growth was large-scaled in
                  transformation  that  leads  to  substantial  losses  in  plant  diversity,  animal,
                  ecosystem functions and changed in microclimatic condition (Dislich et  al.,
                  2016). Moreover, LST might change the pattern from natural disaster in such
                  cases of landslide, forest fire and rainfall. Tan (2007) illustrated that the growth
                  of agricultural land raises and the development cycle of vegetation influence
                  the  ground  temperature  which  shows  rice  paddies  absorb  heat  from  their
                  adjacent areas and affects in the cooling. In addition, according to Prata et al.
                  (1995)  LST  dramatically  change  on  an  adequate  distribution  and  temporal
                  evolution in time and space. Hence, the measurements requires temporal and
                  spatial sampling with detailed. Given the complication of surface temperature
                  over terrestrial, land measurements only cannot basically gives values over
                  wide coverage areas. Recently, the improvement of satellite data from remote
                  sensing, offer the probability for measuring LST over the world with a sufficient
                  and high temporal resolution.
                      In  this  study,  we  used  data  from  the  Moderate  Resolution  Imaging
                  Spectroradiometer (MODIS). Terra and Aqua satellite system are installed on
                  MODIS sensors. Both satellite system records day-time and night-time for a
                  given location within 24 hours period. The study includes only day-time data
                  from 2000-2018. The study area focus in Taiwan which lies in northern tropic
                  of  cancer  and  circles  on  earth  at  which  the  sun  can  be  directly  overhead.
                  Furthermore, in every summer in June, the sun directs over the tropic of cancer.
                  The  effect  of  the  sun  while  directing  over  the  tropic  of  cancer  is  called
                  "shadowless" which takes place at noon in the tropic of cancer. The heat in
                  summer effect on worker health in Taiwan (Ro-Ting and Chang-Chuan, 2009).
                  Furthermore, the northern part of Taiwan has a lot of industries, such as the
                  petrochemical industry. On the other hand, the southern region is where the

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