Page 357 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 357

CPS1887 Sahidan A. et al.

                         Modeling for seasonal pattern and trend of land
                                  surface temperature in Taiwan
                                 Sahidan Abdulmana, Apiradee Lim
            Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Faculty of Science and Technology, Prince
                                  of Songkla University, Pattani, Thailand

            Land surface temperature (LST) is one of the most significant factors of surface
            atmospheric  interaction.  It  is  dramatically  changed  on  an  adequate
            distribution and temporal evolution in time and space. Moreover, LST might
            change the pattern from natural disaster in such cases of landslide, forest fire
            and rainfall. This study focused in Taiwan which lies in northern tropic of cancer
            and circles on earth at which the sun can be directly overhead. The aim of this
            study was to examine the seasonal pattern and trend of average increase in
            LST in Taiwan. The data was downloaded from Terra eight-day MODIS land
            surface temperature product have ~ 1km2 pixels with 18 years. The natural
            cubic spline was used to extract annual LST seasonal pattern without checking
            to  estimate  the  missing  values.  The  result  of  this  study  showed  that  the
            significant of using cubic spline was an appropriate number of the knots which
            was eight knots. The seasonal patterns of different sub-regions in the same
            region had similar patterns. In addition, there was a steady increase of LST in
            June and the peak  was in summer which was  in July.  From August, it was
            rapidly declined and reached the lowest point in winter during December and
            January. The trend indicated accelerate decrease in some regions at northern
            part  of  Taiwan  but,  the  northern  and  central  part  of  Taiwan  the  trend  is
            accelerate increase in most regions.

            Land surface temperature; temperature pattern; trend analysis; natural cubic

            1.  Introduction
                The  temperature  of  the  land  surface  skin  is  known  as  Land  Surface
            Temperature (LST). Its could be measured at the interface between surface
            materials such as roof of building, grass, snow, ice, water, soil, top of plant and
            the atmosphere. LST is the hot or warm of the ground surface in the world
            would  feel  to  the  touch  in  a  particular  location.  LST  is  being  increasingly
            recognized  and  interested  in  developing  methodologies  to  measure
            temperature change from surface. Scientists monitor LST because the warmth
            rising  off  world’s  surface  effects  our  world’s  climate  patterns and  weather.
            Moreover,  they  need  to  screen  how  growing  land  surface  temperatures

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