Page 384 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 384

CPS1891 Tzee-Ming Huang
                  number of knots. For this approach, Stone (1994) showed that, under certain
                  conditions, if the number of knots grows at a proper rate as the sample size 
                  grows, then then  attains the optimal convergence rate in the sense of Stone
                     It is also possible to use unequally spaced knots for  and there are two
                  types  of  approaches  for  doing  so.  In  the  first  type  of  approach,  the  knot
                  locations are estimated as parameters, such as in Lindstrom (1999) and Zhou
                  and Shen (2001). In the other type of approach, a set of knots is considered
                  and knot selection is performed, such as in Yuan et al. (2013) and Kaishev et
                  al.  (2016).  While  allowing  the  knot  locations  to  be  estimated  gives  more
                  flexiblity, the knot selection approach can be less time-consuming.
                     In this study, the order  is fixed and the focus is on knot selection. A knot
                  selection  algorithm  is  proposed.  In  Section  2,  the  proposed  algorithm  is
                  introduced. In Section 3, results for a simulation experiment are reported to
                  demonstrate the performance of the proposed algorithm. Concluding remarks
                  are given in Section 4.

                  2.  Methodology
                      The proposed algorithm for knot selection is to first consider a large set of
                  candidate knots and then perform knot screening to remove knots that are
                  not needed. The knot screening is based on a statistical test. In this section, I
                  will  first  describe  the  idea  and  details  of  such  a  test,  and  then  gives  the
                  proposed algorithm.
                      Suppose that the regression  in (1) can be approximated well using a
                  spline of order  and knot  , … ,  . Then an approximate model for (1) is

                            = ∑   −1  + ∑  ( −  ) −1  +  ,  = 1, … , ,                    (2)
                                =1        =+1

                  where  m  is  given  and   , … ,   are  unknown  knots.  Note  that  for  ℓ ∈
                  {1, … , }, we have

                                       = ∑   −1  +                                                                   (3)

                  for ( ,  )s such that  <   and  >  ℓ−1  (if ℓ > 1), and

                                       = ∑   −1  +                                                                   (4)

                  for ( ,  )s such that  >   and  <  ℓ+1  (if ℓ < ). If the coefficient vectors
                  ( 1,1 , … ,  1, ) and ( 2,1 , … ,  2, ) are the same, then (2 remains the same with
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