Page 383 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 383

CPS1891 Tzee-Ming Huang

                         A knot selection algorithm for regression splines
                                         Tzee-Ming Huang
                  Department of Statistics, National Chengchi University, Taipei City 11605, Taiwan

            In nonparametric regression, splines are commonly used to approximate the
            unknown  regression  function  since  they  are  known  to  have  good
            approximation power. However, to use splines for function approximation, it
            is necessary to set the knots and the order of splines, and knot locations are
            crucial to the approximation results. A novel knot selection algorithm based
            on  statistical  testing  is  proposed.  Simulation  results  are  also  included  to
            demonstrate the performance of the proposed algorithm.

            knot screening; unequally spaced knots

            1.  Introduction
                In  this  study,  we  consider  the  estimation  problem  in  nonparametric
            regression using spline approximation. Suppose that we have observations
            ( ,  ):  = 1, … ,  from the following nonparametric regression model:

                                 = ( ) +    = 1, … , ,                                                        (1)
               where  is the regression function to be estimated and  s are errors. There
            are different approaches for estimating  such as kernel estimation or basis
            approximation.  In  this  study,  we  focus  on  estimating    based  on  spline
               A univariate spline function of order m and knots  , … ,   is a piecewise
            polynomial that can be expressed as a linear combination of the functions
             , … ,  −1 , ( −  ) −1 , … , ( −  ) −1 , where for ℓ = 1, … , ,
                              1 +

                                             ( −  ) −1           ≥ 
                             ( −  ) −1  = {  1                ℓ
                                   1 +
                                              0                            otherwise.

               Let   (), … ,  + ()  denote  the  basis  functions   , … ,  −1 , ( −
             ) −1 , … , ( −  ) −1  respectively.  When  is  approximated  by  the  spline
             1 +
            ∑     , the coefficients  , … ,   can be estimated using their least square
            estimators ̂ , … , ̂ .  Then, the resulting estimator for  is  ≝ ∑   ̂  .
               To approximate  using  one needs to specify the order and knots for the
            spline,  and  the  knot choice  is  known  to  be  crucial.  A  simple  approach for
            determining  the  knots  is  to  use  equally  spaced  knots  and  determine  the
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