Page 453 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 453

CPS1922 Imran K. et al.
            researchers and where the future statisticians can horn their statistical skills
            while working on real problems and can be of great benefit to the mankind.
            Besides  data  analysis  tables,  the  method  of  data  collection  should  be
            discussed in detail and graphical display of the data is recommended which
            can be of great help to the reviewer to identify the properties of data. Hence,
            the right time to collaborate with a statistical expert is before data collection
            or before starting the experiment till the end of the study. By not doing so, a
            simple  analysis  can  become  complicated  as  more  information  about  the
            research comes to light.

            1.  Kimball.A.W(1957). Error of the Third Kind in Statistical Consulting.
                 Journal of American Statistical Association, 52,133-142.
            2.  Cabrera J. and McDougall A. (2002), Statistical Consulting, Springer.
            3.  Petersen R.G. (1985), Design and Analysis of Experiments, Marcel Dekker.
            4.  Petersen R.G. (1977), Use and Misuse of Multiple Comparison
                 Procedures, Agron.J.69:205-20

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