Page 451 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 451

CPS1922 Imran K. et al.
            * There were differences between groups in aerobic training [F(3,514) = 3.588, p = 0.014]
                                   Age (years)        Height (cm)        Weight (kg)
             Group        N        M        SD       M        SD        M        SD
             Active       6       27.0     (9.7)    161.8     (5.9)    57.1      (4.7)
             Passive      6       22.3     (2.3)    163.9     (5.9)    62.5     (15.6)
             Control      6       26.3     (5.3)    175.3    (6.4)*    71.6     (15.3)
            M = Mean; SD = Standard Deviation; *p<0.05.

                In Table-3 the baseline character (Height) is found to be significant which
            is believed to act as confounding variable and has not been taken care of while
            discussing the main results.

                Total Turnout      Professionals       Collegiate         Academy
             RI (Mean ± SD)      127.61° ± 14.39°   105.35° ± 16.54°   123.93° ± 17.56°
             Floor (Mean ± SD)    142.7° ± 13.88°   115.12° ± 16.54°   134.98° ± 12.39°

                While discussing Table-4 in the results section of the paper the author
            explains  interaction  as  Non-Sig.  and  the  main  effects  are  found  to  be
            significant which are nowhere displayed in the table.

                                   Non-Dancer        Thai Classical       P-Value
                                     Control            Dancer
             Age (years)           21.16 ± 0.38       21.23 ± 0.46         0.087
             Weight (kg)           51.42 ± 5.07       45.67 ± 2.09         0.049*
             Height (cm)          156.73 ± 3.46      158.01 ± 3.50         0.568
             Years Dancing              0             11.36 ± 2.91

                Controls are taken as non-dancers who have never attended any dance
            classes. The controls have not been selected as per scientific/statistical criteria.
            Hence, the comparison is definitely biased/incorrect

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