Page 449 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 449

CPS1922 Imran K. et al.
            software  without  the  supervision  of  statistical  collaborator  are  discussed
            Case 1) Assigning value zero in the blank cells makes the sample sizes as equal
            which  in  turn  increases  the  degrees  of  freedom,  balances  the  data,  and
            decreases standard error. The increase in degrees of freedom has an effect on
            the probability value (p-value) and can lead to Type-II error (rejecting false H0).
            Treating sample sizes equal will result in inappropriate use of the statistical
            tool. In some cases assigning value zero to a blank cell can act as an outlier
            and can have a drastic effect on the entire results which can lead to wrong
            research answer to the right research question.
            Case 2) Since the type of statistical tool to be used is governed by the type of
            dependent and independent variable many times it has been observed that
            researchers use incorrect statistical tools and thus spoiling the data of good
            quality and publish their research in a low ranked journal instead. For example,
            while studying Dead/Alive as the dependent variable which is binary along
            with  other  independent  variables  the  researcher  apply  t-test  rather  than  a
            logistic regression.
            Case  3)  Factorial  experiments:  In  single  factor  experiments,  it  has  been
            observed that in post hoc tests critical difference is used in unplanned pairwise
            comparison which increases the probability of significance thus leads to invalid
            conclusions. In Factorial experiments, it has been observed that in presence of
            significant interaction the main effects are discussed which leads to wrong
            Case 4) We know that to calculate odds ratio is easy but its inference is very
            tricky  and  quite  often  leads  to  irrelevant  inferences/conclusions/
            interpretations. By interchanging the rows or columns or both, results in a
            change in interpretation of odds ratio.
            Case  5)  Since  for  calculating  the  correlation  coefficient  we  should  have  a
            paired observation on the same unit, sometimes the researcher records the
            paired observations but doesn’t place them in pairs while entering the data.
            Thus, calculating an invalid correlation.
            Case 6) It has been found in the publications that author presents very low R2,
            high standard error hence significant regression coefficients. The reason being
            that while applying regression models the researcher hardly has any idea of
            autocorrelation or multicollinearity or homoscedasticity and makes inferences
            about coefficients which are much inflated than actual. Since the innocent
            Software has no knowledge about all these things hence can make researcher
            SIGNIFICANTLY happy or unhappy as the case may be.

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