Page 450 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 450

CPS1922 Imran K. et al.
                   Group   Gender   Age (years)*   Height (m)†   Mass (kg)§   BMI   (years)∥   Prof (years)
                   Prof-Sr   20 F   27.35±3.83   1.66±0.06   55.08±3.52   19.98±1.36   19.85±6.11   7.35±3.69
                          18 M    26.67±3.48   1.80±0.06   75.48±5.14   23.27±1.33   14.44±4.06   8.39±0.5
                          38 Total   27.03±3.64   1.73±0.09   64.75±11.18   21.54±2.13   17.29±5.85   7.84±3.85
                   Prof-Jr   30 F   21.17±1.56   1.65±0.05   54.39±5.19   19.97±1.43   13.83±5.11   1.07±0.98
                          30 M    21.63±1.79   1.77±0.07   70.46±8.67   22.37±2.20   10.73±3.42   0.93±0.78
                          60 Total   21.40±1.68   1.71±0.09   62.43±10.76   21.17±2.13   12.28±4.58   1.00±0.88
                   BFA-1   333 F   18.02±0.85   1.65±0.08   56.09±5.58   20.68±1.99   11.72±3.38   0±0
                          65 M    18.33±1.00   1.76±0.05   68.82±6.27   22.16±2.20   7.10±4.11   0±0
                          401 Total   18.07±0.87   1.67±0.08   58.33±7.49   21.43±1.99   10.91±3.93   0±0
                   BFA-2   69 F   19.16±3.12   1.62±0.06   58.65±8.58   22.27±2.49   10.62±4.80   0±0
                          9 M     19.22±1.20   1.77±0.06   67.48±7.11   21.62±1.91   5.89±5.21   0±0
                          78 Total   19.17±2.96   1.64±0.08   59.67±8.85   22.20±2.43   10.07±5.04   0±0
                   Total   452 F   18.82±2.62   1.64±0.07   56.35±6.12   20.85±2.10   12.06±4.30   0.39±1.72
                          125 M   20.35±3.39   1.77±0.06   70.06±7.15   22.33±1.73   8.91±4.85   1.41±3.26
                          577 All   19.17±2.88   1.67±0.09   59.37±8.52   21.17±2.11   11.36±4.61   0.62±2.19

                      In Table-1, groups and the gender within the groups have been compared
                  independently and significant differences have been reported in both cases
                  respectively. However, in this paper the main results are not discussed in this
                  backdrop as the between group comparison has been discussed on the basis
                  of same sex rather than taking sex into consideration.  The data has been
                  analyzed  without  remaining  focused  on  the  main  research  question  thus
                  creating a large chunk of results. In our opinion, the data could have been
                  analyzed in a better way.
                      In Table-2, ANOVA has been performed to compare groups based on the
                  proportion of individuals. Probably the Pearson’s Chi-square would have been
                  appropriate for proportion data which would have led to correct interpretation
                  of results.

                   Group          Gender      Smoking      Asthma       Cross     Aerobic (%)*
                   Prof-Sr      Female        2 (10%)      6 (30%)     7 (70%)      5 (56%)
                                Male          5 (29%)      3 (18%)     6 (60%)      6 (60%)
                                Total         7 (19%)      9 (24%)     13 (67%)    12 (60%)
                   Prof-Jr      Female         2 (7%)      7 (23%)     7 (50%)      5 (36%)
                                Male          4 (13%)      3 (10%)     8 (53%)      4 (27%)
                                Total         6 (10%)     10 (17%)     15 (50%)     9 (30%)
                   BFA-1        Female        25 (8%)     41 (12%)    134 (42%)    115 (36%)
                                Male           3 (4%)     13 (19%)     20 (32%)    14 (22%)
                                Total         28 (7%)     54 (13%)    154 (40%)    129 (34%)
                   BFA-2        Female        10 (15%)     5 (7%)      28 (42%)    25 (37%)
                                Male          1 (11%)      4 (44%)     5 (50%)      5 (56%)
                                Total         11 (14%)     9 (13%)     33 (44%)    30 (39%)
                   Total        Female        39 (9%)     59 (13%)    176 (43%)    150 (37%)
                                Male          13 (10%)    23 (18%)     39 (40%)    29 (30%)
                                Total         52 (9%)     82 (14%)    217 (43%)    179 (36%)

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