Page 80 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 80

CPS1437 Thanyani M.
                      Fuller  (2002)  provides  an  excellent  review  of  the  regression  related
                  methods  for  survey  estimation.  Regression  estimation  was  first  used  at
                  Statistics Canada in 1988 for the Canadian Labour Force Survey. Regression
                  estimation is now used to construct composite estimators for the Canadian
                  Labour Force Survey (Gambino, Kennedy and Singh; 2001).
                      In order to meet the above condition of weight equalisation, constraints
                  need to be formulated using auxiliary information. This formulation of the
                  constraints  as  a  set  of  linear  equations  with  non-negativity  requirements
                  provides important insights into the nature of the problem. In particular, while
                  in some cases, this set of constraints may have a unique solution, in many
                  cases there will either be infinite number of possible solutions or there will be
                  no solution at all.
                      One of the goals of weighting survey data is to reduce variances in the
                  estimation procedure by using auxiliary information that is known with a high
                  degree of accuracy (Mohadjer et al., 1996). Incorporating auxiliary totals to
                  survey  estimates,  characteristics  in  the  survey  that  are  correlated  with  the
                  auxiliary totals can be estimated with accuracy. Calibration weighting offers a
                  way  to  incorporate  auxiliary  information  into  survey  estimates  so  that,  in
                  general,  characteristics  that  are  correlated  with  the  auxiliary  variables  are
                  estimated with greater precision (Reid and Hall, 2001).
                      The information required for calibration is a set of population control totals
                  ∑  ,  where  is  the  finite  population  universe  and  the   are  vectors  of
                  auxiliary  information  that  are  known  individually  only  for  elements  in  the
                  respondent sample.
                      Calibration  uses  this  information  by  constructing  weights  such  that
                  ∑     = ∑  ,  where  represents  the  respondent  sample and   is  the
                  calibrated weight for element . Typically, there are many possible choices of
                  weights that satisfy this benchmarking constraint. Calibration, by its classical
                  definition,  produces  the  one  that  is  closest  to  the  design  weights,  with
                  closeness determined by a suitable distance function (see Deville et al. (1993),
                  for details). So selecting a calibration estimator reduces to the selection of a
                  distance function.
                      The problem of estimating survey weights can indeed be formulated as a
                  constrained optimisation problem, when one is attempting to minimise the
                  difference between the weighted sample distributions of known population
                  distributions  across  a  set  of  control  variables  at  both  the  household  and
                  person-levels. Such constraints can be embedded into a linear programming
                  problem, with an artificially chosen linear objective function, and solved (at
                  least in principle) by general linear programming method, such as the Simplex
                  Algorithm. Within StatMx linear programming is used to achieve the above

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