Page 83 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 83

CPS1437 Thanyani M.
            for the complex survey sample design (CSSD). Statistics South Africa published
            Census 2011 unit record data at SAL level. Data are made available through
            SuperCROSS  software  which  is  a  family  of  SuperSTAR  Suite  applications
            developed by the Australian based Space Time Research. The software allows
            downloading of records. However, records were without addresses and other
                The  resulting  files  do  not  exactly  give  details  of  one  individual  or  one
            household, but the records represent a group of persons or households with
            given characteristics. Without identifiers of the exact persons and household
            characteristics, it was not possible to obtain the direct match between persons
            and  households.  Although  maximum  matches  could  not  be  achieved  with
            certainty, few available variables were used to match persons to households.
            There was information about the household-head which was also available in
            person-level file. The common variables included demographics, geography,
            level of education, school attendance and language.
                The results below illustrate the results of applying linear programming
            method in calibration. There were two sets of constraints created, one at
            national-level and the other at provincial-level. In this paper the auxiliary
            totals were created from the large sample survey carried out in South Africa
            called the community survey done in 2016. The cells were simply the
            demographic variables (age, race and gender) and geography variable
            (province).  At national-level 48 constraints were formed as an input to linear
               Table 3: Calibration cells for             Table 4: Calibration cells for

                  national estimates                         provincial estimates

               Country          1                          Province          1
                 _n1          5 052 737                      _p1          2 130 698
                 _n2          4 976 100                      _p2          2 960 819
                 _n3            430 977                      _p3          1 188 213
                  …                   …                       …                   …
                  …                   …                       …                   …
                  …                   ...                     …                   …
                _n46            172 302                      _p25         2 597 746
                _n47            767 194                      _p26         2 394 846
                _n48            914 222                      _p27           806 498

                At provincial-level 27 constraints in Table 4 were formed as an input to
            linear programming. Table 5 and 6 below show the results from StatMx where
            calibration was implemented using generalised regression methods and linear
            programing. From the imputs provided all the constraints that were defined

                                                                72 | I S I   W S C   2 0 1 9
   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88