Page 82 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 82

CPS1437 Thanyani M.
                  developed at Statistics Canada was used for constructing the final weights.
                  Population control totals used in calibration were obtained from the South
                  African Community Survey 2016 (see Table 1).

                                  Table 1: Population control totals for calibration
                               Age Group       Male       Female        Total
                                  0 - 9       5 845 061    5 751 251   11 596 312
                                 10 - 19      5 160 083    5 134 204   10 294 287
                                 20 - 29      5 325 132    3 993 402   10 582 840
                                 30 - 39      4 091 563    4 211 088    8 302 651
                                 40 - 49      2 981 228   3 062 283    6 043 511
                                  50 +        3 844 159    4 989 891    8 834 050
                                   All      27 247 226  28 406 425   55 653 651

                      Population survey estimates obtained from simulated survey data before
                  they were benchmarked to control totals (see Table 2).

                                 Table 2: Population survey totals before calibration
                              Age Group       Male         Female         Total

                                 0 - 9      4 295 438     4 779 742     9 075 180
                                10 - 19     4 340 959     4 079 218     8 420 177
                                20 - 29     4 495 869     3 993 402     8 489 272
                                30 - 39     4 226 903     2 773 091     6 999 993
                                40 - 49     3 287 377     2 143 358     5 430 735
                                 50 +       3 912 680     2 904 566     6 817 246
                                  All      24 559 226    20 673 377    45 32 603

                      The  population  estimates  used  for  benchmarking  were  from  the
                  Community Survey 2016. They were obtained by cross-classification of age by
                  gender by race for broader 10-year age groups. The 10-year age groups were:
                  0-9, 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49 and lastly much broader 50+ age group (see
                  Table 1 and 2). The groupings were derived in such a way that they will be
                  usable in calibration and their corresponding survey totals will have sufficient
                  sample sizes.
                      In particular,  the number of persons in the sample from the older age
                  groups was very small. Therefore, the older age groups were collapsed such
                  that the expected sample size for each cell would be at least 20 persons. In
                  practice  the  benchmarking  groups  correspond  with  common  domains  of
                  estimation such as  economically active population, school going and child
                  bearing age. When specific broader age-based domains are known during the
                  design stage they can be incorporated in the design.
                      The underlying data were obtained from the South African Census 2011
                  community profiles for both households and persons. In the absence of data
                  collection based on the sample drawn, survey data were simulated for the
                  purpose of implementing sample weighting and estimation methodologies

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