Page 84 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 84

CPS1437 Thanyani M.
                  where  satisfied.  At  national-level  all  48  equations  were  satisfied  while  at
                  provincial-level 27 constraints were satisfied.

                  Table 5: Linear programming (LP) results for
                         calibration for national estimates   Table 6: Linear programming (LP) results
                                                            for calibration for provincial estimates
                                                 N1                                       P1
                                                 N2                                       P2
                                                 N3                                       P3
                                                  …                                       …
                                                  …                                       …
                   Feasible constraints           …         Feasible constraints          …
                                                  …                                       …
                                                N46                                     _P25
                                                N47                                     _P26
                                               _N48                                     _P27
                   Number of calibration equations   48     Number of calibration equations   27
                   Number of calibration equations   48     Number of calibration equations   27
                   satisfied                                satisfied
                   Number of calibration equations   0      Number of calibration equations   0
                   removed                                  removed

                      The process started with more equations than those that were used to
                  calculate  the  final  weights.  The  strict  constraints  were  constraints  were
                  formulated and none of the relaxed formulation was used. In the initial stage
                  not all equations converged. In order to achieve convergence the cells where
                  reduced as a way of increasing sample sizes within weighting cells.

                  4.  Discussion and Conclusion
                      In household surveys, it is common to have weights for households as well
                  as  the weights for persons separately. It is also common that the auxiliary
                  totals  are  available  for  persons,  and  not  for  households.  Several  papers
                  proposed methods of producing one weight which can be used to estimate
                  households and persons, and they called those methods integrated weighting.
                  In  some  literature  these  are  referred  to  as  weight  equalisation  where  the
                  weights are made to be the same at household level, that is, each person in a
                  household  has  the  same  weight,  which  is  the  household  weight.  The
                  integrated weighting approach was applied in this paper using generalised
                  regression  methods  and  implemented  through  the  SAS-based  StatMx
                  software developed by Statistics Canada.
                      In this paper, the calibration problem has been presented as a problem in
                  optimisation. Whilst existing calibration literature has already described the
                  problem, it has not been clearly formulated as a problem in optimisation. This
                  paper formulated the notation required to describe the calibration problem.
                  The  main  calibration  constraints  were  described,  along  with  additional
                  constraints that weights must be equal at household-level.

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