Page 230 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 3
P. 230

CPS2002 Atina A. et al.
                      where Clayton has lower tail dependence  =   2    / 1 −  , Gumbel has upper
                      tail dependence  =  2−  2 −   / 1  , and Frank does not have tail dependence
                       L  =  U  =  0.
                  d.  Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern (FGM) Copula
                      The bivariate FGM copula is defined by

                                 C FGM  (u ,v ) = uv + u  1 ( −u ) v  1 ( − v ),   [−  ] 1 , 1    (8)

                      Parameter estimation of copula function is obtained by maximizing the
                  value of log-likelihood function with respect to the parameter as follows
                                     = arg  max  ln  [ c ( F ( x ),  F ( y ))]        (9)
                                                      X  i  Y   i
                                               = i 1
                      The  best  copula  function  is  obtained  by  selecting  the  smallest  Akaike
                  Information  Criterion  (AIC)  and  Bayesian  Information  Criterion  (BIC)  value
                  given by

                                            AIC = 2k − 2 ln  (L ˆ )                    (10)
                                           BIC =  ln(n )k − 2 ln  (L ˆ )               (11)

                  where  k  be  the  number  of  estimated  parameters,  n  be  the  number  of
                  observations, and  L  be the maximum value of the likelihood function.

                  2.2 Yield-Based Agricultural Losses and Value at Risk Estimation
                      After fitting the distribution for both marginal variables and selecting the
                  best copula function, the estimation of the yield-based agricultural losses and
                  value  at  risk  in  terms  of  losses  can  be  done.  The  procedure  is  as  follows.
                  Suppose that    =   , k ˆ   ,  ˆ  be a set of estimated parameters where   and k  be
                  the  estimated  parameters  of  the  marginal  distributions  and    be  the
                  estimated parameter of the best copula function. Suppose that  X  represents
                  the weather variable and Y  represents the yield variable. First, simulate a joint
                  vector ( ) vu ˆ , ˆ   from the best copula function with its estimated parameter  . Let
                   ˆ u =  F X  (x )  and  ˆ v =  F Y  (  ) y ,  then  generate  the  value  of  ˆ (x  ) ˆ , y by  inverse  the
                  cumulative  distribution  function  to  be  ˆ x =  F X − 1  ) ˆ (u  and  ˆ y =  F Y − 1  ) ˆ (v  using  the
                  estimated parameters   and  k  of each marginal distribution. Then, the yield-
                  based  agricultural  losses  is  defined  as  the  difference  value  between  the
                  estimated and the actual yield at some confidence levels  p. The formula is
                  given by
                                          L = max   y ˆ ,0  p −   y               (12)
                  where  p is the confidence level, y ˆ  is the estimated yield, and  y  is the actual


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