Page 238 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 3
P. 238

CPS2003 Bruno de S. et al.
                  models  with  non-Gaussian  responses  [4].  A  suitable  STAR  model  for
                  spatiotemporal data is given by

                     =  ( 1 )+ . . . +  (  ) +   () +    ( ) +  ′  ,                (1)

                  where      is  the  additive  predictor  for  observation    at  time   ,
                   ( 1 ),  ...,  (  ) are  smooth  functions  of  continuous  covariates  1 ,...
                    ,   () is a temporal trend, ′   represents the parametric component
                  with  being  the  parameter  vector  of  the  fixed  effects,  and    ( ) is  a
                  spatially correlated effect of the location () where the observation belongs.
                  The spatial effect can furthermore be split into a spatially correlated part and
                  a  spatially  uncorrelated  part:     (.)  =     (.)+     (.),  allowing  for  a
                  distinction to be made between the unobserved influential factors which obey
                  a global spatial structure and those which may be present only locally [5]
                      For smooth non-linear effects of continuous covariates and time trends
                  Bayesian penalized splines are used [6, 7]. Correlated and uncorrelated spatial
                  effects follow a Gaussian Markov random field and an independent identically
                  distributed (iid) Gaussian random effects priors, respectively [8].
                  Inference  in  the  above  STAR  model  can  be  made  through  a  full  (FB)  or
                  empirical Bayesian (EB) approach. In a FB approach the unknown variance or
                  smoothing  parameters  are  considered  as  random  variables  with  suitable
                  hyperpriors  and  are  estimated  together  with  the  unknown  functions  and
                  covariate  effects,  using  MCMC  (Markov  chain  Monte  Carlo)  simulation
                  techniques [9]. EB approach is based on penalized likelihood inference for the
                  regression coefficients and restricted maximum likelihood estimation (REML)
                  for the variance components [4, 5, 9].
                      The model here presented analyzes the temporal trend and the spatial
                  distribution of PTB incidence rates in Portugal between 2000 and 2010. The
                  main  goal  was  to  identify  areas  with  different  risk  levels  in  terms  of  PTB
                  incidence rates, if they exist.
                  For this model, municipality was considered as the statistical unit and  , the
                  number of new PTB cases in the   municipality at year , as the response
                  variable.  To  be  able  to  model  PTB  incidence  rates,  an  offset  term  with
                  regression coefficient fixed to 1 is included in the model and is defined as
                  ( /100,000) ,  where    represents  the  number  of  habitants  in  the
                  municipality  at the year . The final model can then be specified as:

                    =  ( /100 000) () +    () +   ( ) +    ( ),     (2)

                  where   =  (( ))   represents  the  additive  predictor  for  the
                    =  1, . . . , 278  municipally at year   =  2000, . . . , 2010. The function    is
                  a smooth function estimated using a Bayesian cubic P-spline [6, 7] with second
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