Page 82 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 3
P. 82

CPS1947 Hsein K. et al.
                  7.  Kostakis,  A.,  Magdalinos,  T.  and  Stamatogiannis,  M.  P.  (2015),  `Robust
                      econometric inference for stock return predictability', Review of Financial
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                  8.  Lettau, M. and Ludvigson, S. (2001), `Consumption, aggregate wealth, and
                      expected stock returns', The Journal of Finance 56(3), 815-849.
                  9.  Rapach, D. and Zhou, G. (2013), Forecasting stock returns, in `Handbook of
                      Economic Forecasting', Vol. 2, Elsevier, pp. 328-383.

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