Page 85 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 3
P. 85
CPS1951 Zhu Y. et al.
1.3 China’s R&D statistical scope and survey methodologies
Prior to 2009, China’s R&D statistics only covered government research
institutes, medium and large industrial enterprises and higher education
institutions, with a lack of statistics on its agricultural enterprises, construction
enterprises and service enterprises. In 2009, China undertook its second
National R&D Resources Inventory, with the statistics objects being the legal
entities in the R&D activity intensive industries of the national economy. The
scope of survey has, henceforth, been constantly expanded, with the major
medium and large enterprises in the service industry also incorporated into
the annual statistical survey (see Table 1).
Table 1. Scope of China’s R&D Statistics
Year Survey R&D Survey Scope
2 R&D Legal entities in agriculture, forestry and fishing; mining;
Resources manufacturing; production & supply of power, fuel gas and
Inventory water; construction; transport, warehousing & postal;
information transmission, computer service and software;
financial; leasing & commercial service; scientific research &
technology service; water conservancy, environmental &
public utilities management; education; health & social
activity; culture, sports & entertainment.
3 Economic 1. Higher education institutions (incl. affiliated hospitals);
Census 2. Above- designated industrial enterprises; 3. Above
designated size construction enterprises; 4. Enterprises and
public institutions in the scientific research and technology
service sector; 5. Above designated legal entities enterprises
in transportation, warehousing & postal; information
transmission, computer service and software; leasing and
commercial service; water conservancy, environmental &
public utilities management; health & social activity, cultural,
sports and entertainment industries.
Annual The same as in 2013.
2014- Statistical
2016 Survey
Annual 1. Higher education institutions (incl. affiliated hospitals);
Statistical 2. Above designated industrial enterprises; 3. Enterprises &
Survey public institutions in scientific research and technology
service; 4. Above designated size building enterprises; 5.
Medium & large legal enterprise entities in transportation,
After 2017
warehousing & postal; information transmission, computer
service and software; leasing and commercial service; water
conservancy, environmental & public utilities management;
health & social activity, cultural, sports and entertainment
The survey method combines the complete enumeration with the census. In
addition, higher education institutions, above designated industrial
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