Page 160 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 160

CPS2164 Jonathan Hosking et al.
                  component, and the stochastic day-of-week effects. A full description of the
                  model and its state-space form are given in Hosking et al. (2013). The model
                  has  observation  vector  length  m,  state  vector  length  9B+4,  and  4  distinct
                  model parameters, one for each variance component.
                      The model for hourly demand (m=24) has observation vector length 24
                  and state vector length 112. Model parameters were estimated using the L-
                  BFGS-B method as implemented in R function optim. Parameter estimation on
                  11 months of data took 274 sec using numerical derivatives. With the new
                  procedure using analytical derivatives, estimation time is reduced to 92 sec,
                  faster by a factor of 3.0.
                      The model can be extended by allowing each diagonal element in the
                  observation  and  state  noise  variance  matrices  to  vary  independently.  This
                  extended model has 60 (=m+3B) model parameters in the variance matrices.
                  Starting with parameter values corresponding to the fitted 4-parameter model,
                  estimation with numerical derivatives took 3246 sec; with analytical derivatives,
                  81 sec. Using analytical derivatives here delivers the same solution as numerical
                  derivatives, but 40 times faster.
                      The  same  model  can  be  used  for  demand  measured  over  15-minute
                  intervals, now with m=96. The state vector is the same as for the model for
                  hourly data: it has 112 elements, and their physical interpretations are the same
                  as for the states in the hourly model. Like the hourly model, in its basic form it
                  has  4  distinct  model parameters,  one  for  each variance  component,  in the
                  variance  matrices.  Using  analytical  derivatives  speeds  up  the  estimation  of
                  these parameters by a factor of approximately 2.9. When the 15-minute model
                  is extended by allowing each diagonal element in the observation and state
                  noise  variance  matrices  to  vary  independently,  it  has  132 (=m+3B)  model
                  parameters in the variance matrices. Using analytical derivatives speeds up the
                  estimation of these parameters by a factor of 84. The computational results
                  are summmarized in Table 1.

                  7.  Conclusions
                      We  have  derived  an  explicit  expression  for  the  derivative  of  the  log-
                  likelihood function for a state space time series model. It enables numerical
                  procedures for parameter estimation to compute

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