Page 275 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 275

CPS2222 Abdullah M.R. et al.
                    150    86.58      100       13.42      0        0      0.128
             15%    20     4.1        100       95.9       0        0      0
                    40     53.5       100       46.5       0        0      0
                    100    81.51333   100       18.48667   0        0      0.003
                    150    85.45778   97.7778   14.54222   2.222    0      0.04866667
             20%    20     10.575     100       89.425     0        0      0
                    40     57.5375    100       42.4625    0        0      0
                    100    83.73      100       16.27      0        0      0
                    150    88.60333   100       11.39667   0        0      0.00266667

            5.   Conclusion
                It  is  crucial  to  detect  outliers  in  high  dimensional  data  as  it  may  give
            misleading conclusion about fitting of regression model. The FP-SVR has been
            developed to identify outliers in high dimensional data. Nevertheless, it is not
            very  successful  in  detection  outliers  in  high  dimensional  data.  Hence,  we
            developed Nu-SVR to remedy this problem. The numerical example signify
            that Nu-SVR is very successful in detecting high dimensional data in small and
            large samples.

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