Page 277 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 277

CPS2224 Habshah Midi et al.

                            The robustness of two step estimation
                           against heteroskedasticity and outliers in
                                            panel data
                              Habshah Midi , Nor Mazlina Abu Bakar
                          1 Institute of Mathematical Research, Universiti Putra Malaysia
                 2 Centre of Management Sciences, Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences,
                             Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Terengganu, Malaysia.

            Robust  methods  in  the  literature  are  mainly  proposed  to  withstand
            heteroscedasticity  or  outlying  values  separately.  However,  when  abnormal
            data or outliers are present together with heteroskedasticity, two important
            least square assumptions are simultaneously violated and requires immediate
            solutions.  In this study, Two Step Heteroscedasticity- and Outlier-robust or
            TSHO is proposed to withstand the influence of outliers and at the same time
            able to counter the heteroskedastic condition.  TSHO assigned lower weights
            to  outlying  observations  and  able  to  produce  more  reliable  fixed  effect
            estimates  than  existing  methods.  This  is  confirmed  by  empirical  evidence
            provided in the study via application on numerical data.

            panel data; heteroscedasticity, outliers; robust

            1.  Introduction
                Robustness with respect to outliers is widely discussed for non-panel data
            regression where a large body of literature can be found in estimating robust
            parameters.    On  the  contrary,  robustness  in  the  econometric  literature  is
            mainly discussed with respect to heteroskedasticity.  Very little attention is
            given  in  developing  robust  estimators  against  outliers  for  panel  data
            regression in the presence of heteroskedasticity.  Feasible Generalized Least
            Square or FGLS is the conventional method used to protect against the effects
            of heteroskedasticity for fixed effect panel data model (Stock and Watson,
            2008).  In the presence of heteroskedastic errors, regression using Feasible
            Generalized  Least  Squares  (FGLS)  offers  potential  efficiency  gains  over
            Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) (Miller and Startz, 2018).  However, the method
            is a modified version of OLS and very much affected towards outliers.  Bias
            values will be produced and hence, the breakdown of FGLS.  To the best of
            our knowledge, a study regarding both problems of heteroskedasticity and
            outlying values in panel data is non-existent.  Thus, this study is considered to
            be  among  the  first  (if  not  the  first)  in  solving  simultaneous  problems  of
            heteroskedastic  and  non-normal  errors.    Therefore,  this  study  is  carried
            forward to achieve two main objectives.  The first objective is to propose Two

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