Page 308 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 308

CPS2233 Sharon Lee
                  by manual analysis. The CCR was calculated separately for each data and the
                  results are shown in Table 1, together with the results by HDPGMM (Cron et
                  al., 2013) and FLAME (Pyne et al., 2009). The later method adopts a cluster
                  matching step in a post-hoc manner. It can be observed from Table 1 that
                  Hcyto obtained a higher CCR than HDPGMM and FLAME for most of the 16
                  data. This is also supported by the average CCR across the batch, where Hcyto
                  obtained  0.929  compared  to  0.796  and  0.538  obtained  by  HDPGMM  and
                  FLAME, respectively.

                  4.  Discussion and Conclusion
                      The clustering and alignment of cell populations across multiple data is an
                  interesting and challenging problem. The proposed Hcyto method adopts a
                  hierarchical approach to automatically segment and match these clusters, with
                  implicit models that can directly handle non-normal distributional features.
                  The methodology is motivated and demonstrated by cytometric data analysis,
                  but is applicable to other types of data with similar structure. Results from the
                  real example shows that Hcyto provides improved accuracy compared to other
                  algorithms  that  adopt  intuitive  approaches  such  as  pooling  and  post-hoc
                  cluster  matching.  Future  work  may  look  at  the  scalability  of  the  Hcyto
                  framework for larger data and extend it for use in downstream analyses such
                  as  identification  of  discriminatory  features,  supervised  classification  of
                  unlabelled data, and longitudinal modelling of batches.

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