Page 312 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 312

CPS2234 Rafliza Ramli et al.
               RM500,000 and above registered with the Construction Industry Development
               Board, Malaysia (CIDB). The main objective of the QCS is to collect and compile
               data on the value of construction work done for the purpose of publishing the
               Quarterly Construction Statistics and also being used in the compilation of
               Gross  Domestic  Product  (GDP).  The  survey  is  conducted  using  mail
               questionnaire and e-survey. The respondents are given two weeks to complete
               and return the questionnaire to the Department. After the said period, field
               visits are conducted to obtain response from the establishments which have
               not returned the questionnaires.
                    As an incentive to improve response rates among these respondents, a
               strategic partnership between CIDB Headquarter in Kuala Lumpur and DOSM
               Headquarter was made. It was agreed that   contractors selected for QCS and
               responded to the survey will be given 5 CCD points as a reward to them.  The
               rewarding system which was introduced in 2010, has increased the overall QCS
               response rate tremendously. The response rate at the close of the survey was
               above 85 per cent.
                    This  reward  is  important  for  the  respondent  especially  for  the  new
               contractors or small and medium contractors. The contractors are required to
               obtain  certain  number  of  the  CCD  points  in  order  to  renew  contractor’s
               registration.  The  CCD  points  will  only  be  awarded  once  they  attend  and
               contribute  to  the  programmes  organised  by  CIDB  with  the  objective  to
               enhance the contractors’ knowledge, professionalism, skills, expertise in the
               construction industy and to expand networking among them.
                    Emulating  the  same  approach,  DOSM  Perak  which  is  responsible    for
               approximately 5 percent of the QCS total sample (average 300 contractors for
               state of Perak in every quarter) has engaged with CIDB Perak to overcome
               poor response of e-Survey amongst QCS respondents by rewarding additional
               5 CCD points awarded by CIDB (state of Perak). This is an initiative by DOSM
               Perak to encourage e-survey responses through the e-QCS system. In order
               for the respondents to attain additional 5-CCD points, they are required to
               participate  in  the e-QCS  hands  on  sessions conducted  regularly  by DOSM
               Perak and responded via e-QCS before the deadline. Since the introduction of
               this reward system, DOSM Perak has conducted six (6) hands on sessions for
               new contractors, which involved 88 new contractors.
                    Figure 1 shows the flow of the reward system applied in DOSM Perak. At
               the beginning of the year, DOSM Perak will request the rewarding of 5-CCD
               points for e-QCS from CIDB Perak. Upon approval of  CIDB  Perak, DOSM Perak
               will invite the respondents  to  attend the e-QCS hands on session conducted
               at  DOSM’s premise. The respondents will be informed about the rewarding of
               5CCD points by the CIDB Perak and they will be asked to bring the information
               relevant to the questionnaire. During the hands on session, the respondents
               will be guided on the usage of e-QCS system and shown how to fill in the e-

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