Page 310 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 310

CPS2234 Rafliza Ramli et al.

                           Incentives to improve response rate through
                                           electronic survey
                     Rafliza Ramli, Maslina Samsudin, Nor Rafidah Mat Hashim@Kasim
                                       Department of Statistics, Malaysia

               In  line  with  the  recent  technology  development,  Department  of  Statistics
               Malaysia (DOSM) has introduced electronic survey (e-survey) to expedite the
               collection process for Quarterly Construction Survey (QCS) since first quarter
               of  2015  known  as  e-QCS.  Various  approaches  have  been  implemented  to
               encourage respondents to use the e-QCS. However, the most significant and
               successful  approach  is  the  rewarding  of  additional  Continuous  Contractor
               Development (CCD) points to respondents who attended e-QCS Hands On
               Session conducted regularly by DOSM Perak and responded via e-QCS before
               the  deadline.  The  5  CCD  points  was  awarded  by  Construction  Industry
               Development Board (CIDB) for state of Perak as an incentive to respondents
               i.e.  contractor  for  the  purpose  of  renewal  their  CIDB’s  licence.    Since  the
               introduction of this award in early 2017, a significant increase of more than
               30.0 percent has been recorded in e-QCS response rate for the state of Perak.

               Electronic survey; Quarterly Construction Survey (QCS); Continuous Contractor
               Development (CCD) points

               1.  Introduction
                   With nearly ubiquitous computer network access around the world, online
               data collection via e-survey are being made available to researchers. E-survey
               is a web-based survey instrument, constituting the questionnaire in the server
               network that can be accessed by other organisation through a web browser
               (Karen, J. J.,  Kevin, G. C., & Bernard, J.  J., 2007; Habsah,  S.,  2014). E-survey
               provides a fast and easy alternative to hardcopy submission. Generally, the
               real  time  data  is  available  through  the  esurvey  and  analysis  can  be
               accomplished through integrated system.
                    According to Karen, J. J., Kevin, G. C., & Bernard, J. J. (2007), three most
               common  reasons  for  choosing  an  e-survey  over  conventional  face-to-face
               interview are (1) decreased costs, (2) faster response times, and (3) increased
               response rates. Although previous studies has been mixed on the realization
               of these benefits, basically, researchers agree that faster response times and
               decreased costs are attainable benefits, while factor influencing the response
               rates vary based on variables beyond administration mode alone. Research
               also shows that the amount of incentives does not improve response rate in a
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