Page 355 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 355

CPS2277 Iris M H Yeung et al.
               Yeung and Chung (2018) examined the effect of knowledge and attitude of
               local residents on three government proposals, daily waste amount, and socio-
               economic characteristics on willingness to pay (WTP) for waste disposal using
               binary logit model. In this paper, we shall use multinomial and ordinal logistic
               regression to revisit the problem. The results help to understand more clearly
               about the factors affecting residents’ WTP and are useful to the government
               and  related  parties  in  policy  making  and  implementation.  The  succeeding
               sections  are  organised  as  follows:  Section  2  describes  the  methodology.
               Section 3 presents the results. Section 4 draws the conclusion.

               2.  Methodology
               Sampling and data collection
                  The  survey  targeted  all  Hong  Kong  residents  aged  at  least  18.  Simple
               random sampling method and computer-assisted telephone interview (CATI)
               system were used to select the households. The household member with the
               nearest birthday were asked to complete the questionnaire.
                  1005  persons  were  contacted.  After  eliminating  questionnaires  which
               refuse to answer three key attitude questions (the degree of support towards
               waste charge, landfill extension and building a new incinerator respectively),
               WTP questions and more than half of the socio-economic questions, the final
               sample data set used in this study consisted of 753 responses.

               Variables used for logit models
                  The dependent variable used for multinomial and ordinal logit models is
               WTP for waste disposal. Contingent valuation method was used to estimate
               WTP  amount.  Following  researchers  such  as  Zhang  et  al  (2012),  the
               respondents were first asked whether they were willing to pay HK$30 each
               month if they disposed two waste bags daily (i.e. around 60 bags per month)
               with sizes the same as an 8-kg rice bag in supermarkets. Then, they were asked
               to give the maximum WTP in an open-ended question. The reason for using
               the amount of HK$30 in the first WTP question was  that according to the
               consultation paper of The Council for Sustainable Development in Hong Kong,
               the waste disposal charge for each household was estimated to range from
               HK$30-HK$60 (roughly US$3.85-7.69) per month (The Standard, 2013). The
               second WTP question was used to estimate the maximum amount that the
               respondent would pay. Furthermore, this second question gave respondents
               who did not answer the first WTP question a second chance to express their
               WTP amount. In this paper, we code WTP into three groups (below HK$30,
               exactly HK$30, and above HK$30).
                  The independent variables include knowledge of the respondents on waste
               charge  method,  landfill  fullness  and  construction  time  for  new  incinerator
               (coded to  2 categories: 1= correct knowledge, 0 =  not correct),  degree of

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