Page 356 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 356

CPS2277 Iris M H Yeung et al.
               support towards the three government proposed policies, which are measured
               by a five-point Likert scale (from 1 = strongly oppose to 5 = strongly support),
               the daily number of waste disposal  bags with sizes the same an 8-kg rice bag
               in  supermarkets),  gender  (male  or  female),  residential  district  (coded  to  2
               categories:  1  =  live  near  landfill  and  new  incinerator  site,  0  =  not  near),
               education  (coded  to  3  categories:  primary  and  below,  secondary  or  post-
               secondary), age (coded to 6 categories: 18–24, 25–34, 35–44, 45–54, 55–64
               and ≥65 years), household size (coded to 6 categories: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and
               above), type of living quarters (coded to 3 categories: “public rental housing”,
               “subsidized  home  ownership  housing”,  or  “private  housing  and  others”),
               monthly personal income (coded to 3 categories: “under HK$15K,” “HK$15K
               and under HK$30K,” and “HK$30K and above”).

               3.  Result
                  Characteristics of the respondents
                  The sample consisted of 40% males and 60% females. A majority of the
               respondents (at least 81%) did not live near the landfill sites and the new
               incinerator.  Around  80%  of  the  respondents  received  secondary  school  or
               above  education.  The  average  age  and  monthly  personal  income  of  the
               respondents were 47.07 years and HK$13, 151 respectively. More than 60% of
               the  respondents  lived  in  subsidized  home  ownership  housing  and  private
               housing.      As  the  effect  size  (Cohen  1992)  of  gender,  residential  district,
               education,  age,  type  of  living  quarters  and  monthly  personal  income  fell
               between 0.01 and 0.24 based on the population data in 2013 (Census and
               Statistics Department 2014), the sample was generally representative of the
               population of the residents in Hong Kong.
                   Approximately one third of the respondents were willing to pay less than
               HK$30 (36.1%), exactly HK$30 (32.4%) and more than HK$30 (31.4%) for waste
               disposal respectively. The monthly average WTP was HK$38.4, which is slightly
               above the minimum waste charge amount of HK$30-$60 estimated by the
               Council for Sustainable Development in Hong Kong.
                   More than half of the respondents (51.1%) were able to answer correctly
               that  the  government  preferred  quantity-based  waste  charge  method.  Few
               respondents knew that one of the landfills would be full around 2015 (22.7%)
               and it would take 7-9 years to build new incinerator (7.3%).  More than half of
               the respondents indicated  support for waste charge, landfill extension and
               building a new incinerator proposals (52%, 54% and 69% respectively). About
               60% of the respondents disposed one waste bag each day.

                   Factors affecting three WTP groups
                   Both  multinomial  and  ordinal  logit  models  are  statistically  significant
               (likelihood-ratio  chi-square  test  statistic  =  216.04;  p  value  <  0.0001and

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