Page 358 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 358

CPS2277 Iris M H Yeung et al.
               2.   It is interesting to note that knowledge on landfill fullness and construction
                   time  for  new  incinerator  has  significant  but  opposite  effects  on  the
                   contrast. The positive effect for knowledge of landfill fullness (b = 0.464;
                   odds ratio = 1.591) suggests that a person with this knowledge is 59%
                   more likely to be willing to pay HK$30 rather than below HK$30. On the
                   other hand, a person possessing knowledge of long construction time for
                   new incinerator is 2.33 times (b = -0.843; odds ratio = 0.430) more likely
                   to be willing to pay below HK$30 rather than exactly HK$30.
                      Table 2 shows the percentage distribution of 3 WTP groups for all three
                   knowledge variables.  Based on the chi-square tests, all three knowledge
                   variables affect WTP significantly. But respondents possessing knowledge
                   on waste charge method and landfill fullness tend to be willing to pay
                   HK$30  or  above,  whereas  respondents  possessing  knowledge  on
                   construction time for new incinerator are willing to pay either below or
                   above HK$30 rather than exactly HK$30. This may explain why knowledge
                   on construction time has negative effect on this contrast.

                   Table 1. Parameter Estimates, Standard Errors (SE), and Odds Ratio (OR)
                   for Multinomial and Ordinal Logit Models of the Willingness to Pay

                                Above HK$30 vs.      Exactly HK$30 vs.    Ordinal Logit Model
                                Below HK$30          Below HK$30
                Variable   Estimate   SE   OR   Estimate   SE   OR   Estimate   SE   OR
                Intercept   -5.566***   0.967      2.500***   0.846      -4.848***   0.672
                                                                     -3.193***   0.658
                Know waste   0.209   0.205   1.233   0.055   0.188   1.057   0.225   0.171   1.129
                Know       0.352   0.249   1.422   0.464**   0.232   1.591   0.122   0.144   1.252
                Know       -0.169   0.372   0.844   -0.843**   0.413   0.430   -0.179   0.277   0.836
                Support   1.045***   0.120   2.843   0.611**   0.103   1.842   0.794***   0.082   2.213
                Support    0.151   0.121   1.163   0.156   0.110   1.169   0.088   0.085   1.092
                Support    0.226*   0.126   1.253   0.040   0.116   1.040   0.165*   0.089   1.179
                Daily waste  0.504***   0.169   1.655   0.134   0.154   1.143   0.333***   0.118   1.395
                Gender     0.141   0.210   1.152   -0.176   0.199   0.839   0.089   0.149   1.093
                Area (near   -0.234   0.265   0.792   -0.024   0.233   0.977   -0.132   0.184   0.877
                landfill &
                Edu        0.012   0.336   1.012   0.195   0.272   1.216   0.027   0.225   1.028

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