Page 359 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 359

CPS2277 Iris M H Yeung et al.
                Edu (post-  0.193   0.406   1.213   -0.136   0.359   0.873   0.167   0.281   1.182
                Age       -0.031***  0.008   0.969   -0.011   0.008   0.990  -0.022***   0.006   0.978
                Household   -0.099   0.088   0.906   -0.107   0.079   0.898   -0.071   0.061   0.931
                House type   0.121   0.296   1.129   0.130   0.269   1.139   0.118   0.208   1.125
                House type   0.286   0.245   1.331   0.331   0.222   1.393   0.184   0.171   1.202
                Income     0.591***  0.170   1.806   0.108   0.170   1.114   0.441***   0.121   1.554
               1. ***, **, and * denote the significance levels of 1%, 5%, and 10%, respectively.
               2. Overall model evaluation criteria
               Multinomial: Likelihood ratio statistic = 216.04 (p value < 0.0001), Generalized R-square =
               Ordinal: Likelihood ratio statistic = 194.305 (p value < 0.0001), Generalized R-square = 0.256

               Table 2: Distribution of Three WTP Groups for Knowledge on Waste Charge
               Method, Landfill Fullness and Construction Time for New Incinerator (n=753)

                                 Sample   Below HK$30   Exactly   Above   Test results   p-value
                                 size    (n=272)     HK$30    HK$30
                                                     (n=244)   (n=237)
                Know waste   Yes   385   31.95%      32.47%   35.58%   χ2 = 8.030**   0.018
                charge      No   368     40.49%      32.34%   27.17%

                Know landfill   Yes   171   26.90%   36.26%   36.84%   χ2 = 8.248**   0.016
                            No   582     38.83%      31.27%   29.90%

                Know        Yes   55     41.82%      18.18%   40.00%   χ2 = 5.607*   0.061
                incinerator   No   698   35.67%      33.52%   30.80%
               Note: ***, **, and * denote the significance levels of 1%, 5%, and 10%, respectively.

               4.   Discussion and Conclusion
                   The current paper identifies the factors affecting residents’ WTP for waste
               disposal  in  Hong  Kong  using  multinomial  and  ordinal  logit  models.  Both
               models suggest that higher degree of support for waste charge and building
               new incinerator policies, more daily waste disposal amount, younger age and
               higher income increase the likelihood of WTP for the contrast between “above
               HK$30” and “below HK$30”. Multinomial logit model further shows that only
               higher degree of support for waste charge, knowledge on landfill fullness and
               construction  time  for  new  incinerator  affect  the  likelihood  of  WTP  for  the
               contrast between “exactly HK$30” and “below HK$30”.
                   The multinomial and ordinal logit models provide more information on the
               factors affecting residents’ WTP as compared with binary logit models (Yeung
               and Chung 2018). So, the government might try to launch promotional and
               educational programs on both waste charge and new incinerator policies, and
               information  on  landfill  fullness  as  they  all  have  positive  effects  on  WTP.

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